The day I fell in love with you

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It was around 12 in the morning on September 5. The day Valhalla fell and Toman won against them. Although, it was still too early to celebrate. After the fight, Kazutora was taken away and put in Juvie for committing a murder, Chifuyu was taken to the hospital for treatment, and Kisaki? Well, He was shot by Kazutora. As Chifuyu and Kisaki were fighting, Kazutora picked up the gun and shot Kisaki in the abdomen which led to an instant death.
[ya'll thought someone important died! I'm not that cruel. This is a love story.]
After the fight had ended, Chifuyu was taken to the hospital as Baji accompanied him the way through. What caused Chifuyu to get taken to the hospital? While he fought Kisaki, he grabbed a knife he had kept in his back pocket and stabbed Chifuyu in the stomach. Once they arrived at the hospital, Chifuyu was taken into the emergency room for surgery. Baji waited by the emergency door 'til Smiley, Angry, Mikey, and Draken accompanied Baji while Mitsuya and Hakkai tried their best to comfort him and calm him down.
"It's ok, Baji. He's going to be fine."
"What do you mean 'fine'! I said from the beginning I didn't want him fighting! But because of that, he's now stuck in the hospital! I love hun, Mitsuya! I can't live without him anymore!"
"Baji! Look, we're all worried about him. We understand your feelings towards him! But he helped us stop Valhalla and everyone praises him for that. But for now, just try and calm down. For Chifuyu's sake." Baji stopped pacing and stared at Mitsuya as tears started falling. Mitsuya pulled him in for a hug as Baji cried his heart out and him and Hakkai worried for Chifuyu and Baji. After an hour of hesitation and worrying, the nurse finally came out. As soon as Baji heard the door to the emergency open and sprang onto his feet and ran to the nurse.
"Miss, please tell me he's ok!"
"No worries sir, the surgery was a success and he's now resting." Once everyone heard the news they all were so relieved and hugged each other.
"Thank you so much. Can I see him right now?"
"You can, but it'd be best to let him rest a bit. He's had quite a long day I'm suspecting."
"Yes, thank you."
"My pleasure. It's our job." Once everyone heard the news and confirmed he was alright they all headed home. Baji stayed just in case Chifuyu woke up. Baji sat by Chifuyu's side waiting for him to wake up. Suddenly, he heard mumbles and groans come from Chifuyu. Baji springs off his chair and bends down to check on Chifuyu. He then wakes up and looks at Baji with sleepy eyes.
"Yes, Chifuyu. It's me. Are you ok?" Chifuyu then rubbed his eyes to get a clear vision and got up and rested in sitting position.
"What happened?"
"You were stabbed in the stomach by Kisaki."
"Oh...ya. What happened to the rest?"
"Their safe but Kisaki's dead and Kazutora's in Juvie for a while."
"What about Hanma?"
"He's still on the loose. We'll try and catch him but I doubt he'd do anything after the fight. He'll probably just live his life and run wild now that Kisaki's gone."
"I see. How about you? Are you ok?" Baji's heart pounded as Chifuyu looked at him with the most beautiful eyes. His eyes were so kind and caring but violent and scary.
"Baji-San? Are you ok?"
"Huh? A-ah yes, I'm ok. You just rest, ok?"
"When can I get out of here?"
"I can ask the doctor if you want."
"Yes, please." Baji then got up and left the room. He walked to the reception desk and asked when Chifuyu could leave. After, he walked back to Chifuyu's room and saw him tracing over the words on Baji's Toman jacket. He looked as cute ever in Baji's mind. He'd always cared for Chifuyu and adored him but didn't think much of it 'til now. He swore he'd protect Chifuyu even if he died.
"Chifuyu, she said you can leave in 2 days."
"Oh, ok" Baji walked up to the chair he sat in before and sat in it. He rested his elbows on his thighs while letting his arms drop in between his legs. As he looked down he said, "Hey, Chifuyu..?"
"Yes, Baji-San?" As he kept tracing over the words on Baji's jacket.
"I swear, I'll protect you with all my life. Okay?" Once Chifuyu heard those words, he paused what he was doing and looked up at Baji. He gave him a soft smile which warmed Baji's heart.
"Then I'll do the same."
"I think you've us your protection skills."
"Ya, and? That means I'm capable of protecting people and fighting for others."
"I guess that's right."
Two days have passed and Chifuyu was let out of the hospital. The doctor suggested keeping him at home for a while 'til he had fully recovered. When they arrived at their dorm, Baji forced Chifuyu to rest in his bed. Baji went to the principals office and told her about his condition and if they could take some time off. She agreed and Baji accompanied him the whole day. When Baji returned from the school, he Saw Chifuyu fast asleep. He went and sat on one of the comfy chairs that was put beside Chifuyu's bed as he watched Chifuyu sleep. Baji's eyes sparkled as he looked at Chifuyu. Chifuyu was actually his first friend since the beginning of college. He didn't have or make any friends in college or on the first day. He always walked the halls watching as girls and boys got along and hung out and had fun. While Baji was all alone with no one to hang out with. That is, 'til he met Chifuyu. Chifuyu made him enjoy college more. Baji always loved to get up in the morning and see Chifuyu. Chifuyu was like Baji's sunshine. He was like an addictive drug to Baji. He could never live without him.
A few days passed and Chifuyu got better each day. He started to go back to school and it was normal for everyone. Let's not forget about our fellow Toman members. On October 1st, Mitsuya and Hakkai had the biggest fight of their life.
"Mitsuya!! Think about this! You can't just leave Toman!" As Draken called out. Mitsuya violently turned around to face them.
"Is said no! I'm not staying in the same gang as that asshole of a cheater!
"Taka-Chan! I didn't cheat! I swear, please believe me!" Mitsuya tilted his head as tears started flowing out of his eyes.
"Why did you do it, Hakkai...? Why did you kiss her?"
"I didn't kiss her, Taka-Chan! She ki-
"That's enough, Hakkai! Until you two resolve this, no one's leaving and no one's staying. Mitsuya, what's your decision now?"
"...we're over, Hakkai...." As Mitsuya looked at him with teary eyes and Hakkai looked at him with sadness.
"Taka....Chan, no....please no!" Mitsuya turned around as he balled his eyes out. He couldn't face Hakkai knowing his condition. He stood as he heard Hakkai yell and cry out to Mitsuya. Hakkai has Separation Anxiety.
[if you don't know what separation anxiety is, it's basically fear of separation. You can look it up to get a deeper definition but I know that it means fear of separation]
Mitsuya ran away from their meeting spot because he wanted to escape the torture he had to bear. He was cheated on and on top of that was left with the yells and cry's of Hakkai. He loved Hakkai more than ever and he loved him just the same. Why would Hakkai cheat? What forced him to do such a thing? That's what ran through Mitsuya's head all through the night. He questioned Hakkai's actions, himself and Hakkai in his mind. He couldn't sleep that night. Baji and Chifuyu decided to part ways for a few days and check on their friends. Chifuyu stayed with Mitsuya and Baji stayed with Hakkai. Even though they heard what had happened, they were the only two who refused to believe that Hakkai would do such a thing. So Chifuyu decided to go and try to convince Mitsuya that Hakkai's innocent while Baji went to comfort Hakkai before he got out of control.
"Mitsuya...?" Chifuyu knocked on Mitsuya's room door. He was very concerned for him. He hadn't eaten anything for the past 5 days. Chifuyu had enough of watching his friend suffer. He left Mitsuya's house and went to Hakkai's house. He knocked on the door and waited 'til Baji opened the door.
"Chifuyu yo-
"Hakkai. Which class does the girl have?"
"You don't mean..."
"Yes, I mean that Hakkai. Which class is she in?"
"Chifuyu, please wait."
"Shes in my class."
"That's all I needed. Thank you"
"Chifuyu!" Baji yelled out as Chifuyu walked away.
"Hakkai, we have to follow him." Hakkai was calmer and better now so he could communicate with everyone better without looking crazy. He got up and they bout followed Chifuyu. Chifuyu then arrived at Hakkai's school followed by Hakkai and Baji. Chifuyu walked through the halls as people looked at him in fear and worries. Hakkai and Baji ran after him, afraid he'd cause trouble. He barged through the classroom door and was faced with a huge auditorium kinda like a cinema and tons of people.
"Excuse me, young man. Can I help you?" He didn't answer. Just as the professor asked him, Baji and Hakkai arrived at the auditorium. Chifuyu asked Hakkai for the girls name but he didn't know.
"Listen up, everyone! Does anyone in here know this man?!" He pointed to Hakkai hoping someone would answer 'til this black-haired girl that was wearing a loose -blue top and light blue shorts answered.
"I do!" She stood up and started walking down to greet the boys. When she arrived, Chifuyu dragged the girl out of the auditorium and out of the school 'til they arrived at Toman's meeting spot. He threw her to the ground and started to call everyone, including Mitsuya. They all arrived except for Mitsuya so continued to wait.  Once Mitsuya arrived, he was skinny as ever! You can practically tell he hasn't been eating or drinking and he was wearing a black hoodie. Once he took off the hoodie, his hair was all messy and his under eyes were so black you could tell he hasn't slept.
"Taka-Chan...." Once everyone saw is appearance they all stood there in shock except for Chifuyu.
"Chifuyu, you bastard! Hakkai ran up to Chifuyu and punched him.
"You we're with Taka-Chan the entire time and you didn't bother feeding him or putting him to sleep?!"
"Hakkai!" As Draken yelled and ran up to him to stop him.
"It was uncalled for, Hakkai! I couldn't even speak to him! He just sat in his room with the door locked!"
"What's that brat doing here?"
"She's here to explain the incident."
[Hello! Good read, don't ya think? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part. It was sort of a mix of Baji x Chifuyu and Hakkai x Mitsuya. This part took a little longer than my other parts. It usually takes me 2 days to finish a part but this part is different due to my school work and socials. Part 6 will hopefully be posted earlier than this part. Thank you!]

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