Chapter 7

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"Daddy, are you going out with Nurse Townsend tonight?" Bella asked.

"Yes sweetie. And your gonna stay here with Grandma." I picked her up.

"Awwwh, but I like her!" She pouted.

"Hey, one day, me, you, herself, and her son are gonna go out together. How that sound?" I smiled.

"It sounds good." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Daddy?"

"Hmm?" I put her down.

"You should put on the horse." She pointed to my bottle of Ralph Lauren.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, you only use it for special things. And this is special." She looked at me with her big hazel eyes.

"I'll put on that cologne to make you and Nurse Carter happy. Okay?" I poked her cheek.

"Uh huh." She nodded.

"You look nice. Who's the special lady?" My mom asked.

"Her name is Carter ma." I smiled.

"Take pictures, I wanna see this young lady. Come on Bella, let's watch tv."

"Ok Grandma." They went to watch tv and I took a selfie.

I was looking good with my suit and tie.

Me: You ready?

Nurse Carter ❤🙈: Ready if you are 😉

Me: I'll be there in 15.

Nurse Carter ❤🙈: Alright.

I proceeded to leave, saying my goodbyes and kissing my favorite women goodbye. Honestly, I was nervous. Carter was everything I was looking for in a women. What if after this date she rejects me?

I was at her house in no time. Ringing the doorbell, I heard voices and shuffling. I was greeted by... August.

"May I help you?" He asked.

"I'm here to pick up Carter. Is she around?" I asked.

Looking me up and down, he soon replied with, "she still getting ready. Come in."

He stepped aside, letting me in.

"So you the infamous Devon huh?"

I heard him, but I didn't hear him. Like I heard his voice, but my ears didn't understand the words.

"Come again?"

"You Devon?"

"Yeah. In the flesh."

Some dude with dreads came downstairs.

"Who this white nigga?"

"Sneak, this Devon, Cata's date tonight."

"Oh my bad. You mixed. I'm Sneak. I see you met Aug." He looked between us.

"Yuhp." I popped the 'P'.


"IM COMING!" I heard her heals as they hit the steps.

"Sometimes you gotta hurry females up to get what you want." August said.

"Not all the time, beauty takes a while."

"Thank you Devon." Carter spoke, making me look at her.

She looked absolutely beautiful. That dress made me want her more and more. But I gotta stay cool. We matched each other, not knowing it though.

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