chapter 8

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Next day

Sai gets message from Pakhi to come so she goes to a cafe to meet her

Pakhi: thank you for coming without any questions. I am sorry for the pain I gave you.

Sai: no need to apologise. If the bullet was just touched my heart, I would have died, what would you have done then?

Pakhi: you know it was an accident. Virat knows me better. I have never been so lost. Love makes a person do this. You know what I am thinking about. I know that you both met accidentally, this marriage is not real. So need to act infront of me.

Sai: is this reason why called me here?

Pakhi: what you thought that I would fall on your feet so that you can forgive me.  What you think? Got a rich guy and everything gonna be awesome now? You are so naive Sai.

Sai: instead of teaching me, you better learn from your mistakes.

Sai gets a call.

Sai: hello Virat, I came out to get some air....... Okay, I will send you the address.

After sometime he comes and pick her up.

Virat: you have never been so silent, what happened? Have Pakhi said you anything?

Sai: no, there is nothing like that.

Virat: then why are you like this?

Sai: pakhi, out of love for you, shot me.

Virat: I don't believe in her love.  She loves no one else but herself.

Sai: okay, what about your feelings? Do you feel nothing for her?

He doesn't reply

Sai: I understood silence of yours, that means you still have not forgotten her.

Virat: there's no such thing. We just have a business relationship. That's all

Sai: well ofcourse. A person cannot give up feelings in one day. Well, okay, maybe she learnt a lesson from her mistakes. If you wanna forgive then it's your wish, but don't let her come until I'm there.

Virat starts smiling

Sai: why are you smiling?

Virat: just like that

Sai: no, there is something. You smiled maliciously, I saw.

Virat starts laughing

Virat: well, you are making me laugh. If we were real husband and wife, I would have thought you were jealous of Pakhi.

Sai: why would I jealous of Pakhi. First of all, you are not even my type.

Listening this Virat smirks

Virat: well, what kind of taste do you have, tell me. I am interested to know.

Sai: I can't tell you, I am sorry.

Virat smiles hearing this.

Virat: okay, might be you like that guy who calls you all time.

Sai: where did he come from? He is friend of mine. I have no one in my life.

Virat: you still won't be able to tell, even if you fall in love.

Sai: what is love? Everyone just want love and love. Love is the most useless thing which exists.

Virat: you are so insensitive.

Sai: I am like that only. By the way I know that you opened my phone when I was unconscious.

Virat: I did not open it on a purpose, I accidentally opened it.  Your phone is a fickle as you are.

Sai: of course

Virat: do you really think that I am lying to you?

Sai: hmm

Virat: oh god. Leave that all, I want  to take you to a beautiful place.

Sai: does the boss reward the employee?

Virat: you deserve it.  

Virat smiles

Virat takes her to a waterfall. Sai goes and enjoys in it. She got wet all over. Virat takes her makes her sit in a Chair which he arranged. He takes out his coat

Sai: what are you doing?

Virat: protecting you from not getting cold. You are all wet. You got shot because of me. I don't want you to get sick now. Does the wound hurt?

Sai: no it doesn't.

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