chapter 12

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Virat takes Sai to a place with his horse

Virat: whenever I get sad, I come to this place. It makes me happy and calms me down

Sai: I want to sit on him

Virat: you won't able to sit down, storm will not let you sit on him.

Sai doesn't listen to him and starts sitting on it

Virat (concerned): Sai, be careful. Storm is really short tempered

But doesn't listen to him and starts riding it. By seeing that storm is not getting angry he smiles

Virat: (to horse): well done my tempest. Well done my child. ( To Sai) congratulations it became your friend.

Sai: I told you that I would sit down on this one day. So see.

Virat: for the first time in my life, I saw storm created a bond with someone other than me. I am happy about it. Congratulations.

Sai: at first I was scared. You know? I thought it would throw me off, then courage came. I just thought that I am running with my feelings when I was riding

Virat: I think you should start to think by your heart.

Sai: what do you mean?

Virat: I chained you here. I have no right to do this. I don't want you to feel like I owe you. So do what you want. Just leave everything which causing you the problem, listen your heart.

After that Sai starts thinking about it

At night

Virat and Sai were going for a long drive to Mumbai. Then they notice that something was burning, it was Sunny's house. They both rush to his house. Sai starts calling Sunny's name.Virat goes inside and saves him

Virat: what the hell were you trying to do?

Sunny: getting rid of my past. And by that I just wanted to end myself.

Virat: are you gone mad or what? Why are doing this? Come back to your senses.

Sunny: I am in my senses only. Fine then I won't do this. Then you only tell me what to do? You will give me punishment? Then give, hit me.

Virat: sunny have you gone mad or what?

Sunny: hit me!

Then sunny hits Virat

Sunny: what happened hit me na!

Then again sunny beats him which was not tolerated by Virat so he starts beating him.

Sai: please you both stop fighting!

Virat: are you gone mad sunny! What happened to you

And starts slapping to him and telling him come back to his senses. Sai goes and stops him and takes Virat to house. Sai makes him sit on the couch

Sai: Virat! Virat are you okay?

Virat: I am fine don't worry

Sai: let me see

She sees that his lip corner was bleeding

Sai: you lip is bleeding, wait a second I am just coming back.

She goes and brings a cotten ball. And starts wiping the blood. And blew on his wound which gave a different sensation to virat. He came closer to her face.

Sai: it's too late now, I think we should sleep. Good night

Sai goes and sleeps on the bad and Virat sleeps on the couch in their room

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