Chapter 14

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Shortly after all the while, a few hours passed and then came night, and the front door flung open. Me and Lola jumped as the guys hurried inside, breathless.

"Cover it up! Now!" James rushed instantly, shoving Brett into the kitchen. They were all breathless.

"What? Cover what up?" I panicked, standing up and grabbing my chest, stunned.

"We finally got that son of a bitch," Vincent told James, giving him a high five. What are they talking about? Without another thought, I started running into the kitchen to see what they'd had been trying to cover up, but unfortunately, I've been stopped by a sudden wrap of my waists, by Michael.

"Mike, let me go! Let me see!" I screamed, trying to pull away from him.

"Can't let you do that, sorry." He said it quickly, throwing me over his shoulder and dropping me back onto the couch. I could see the aggression in his eyes, and knew he seriously did not want for me to see. I stared at him in shock, puzzled by his aggressive pull on me. He breathed out a sigh, "I just think it's best if you don't see, Heather."

"Okay, it's gone...for good." Brett claimed randomly while walking back inside to meet our awkward silence. I gazed at Michael, glanced at Brett, and back at Michael.

"Cover what? Krest, you better tell me what's up." Lola demanded, calling Kresten by her fuddy duddy nickname she gave him, "Krest".

"Nothing! And what's done is done. I don't want to HEAR anyone bring it up again, got it?" James demanded. Lola pursed her lips up, feeling vulnerable. She gave him a disgusting look. "I mean, chill girls! What happened to giving us guys space?" He forced an apologetic smile, as an apology for yelling at the both of us. Lola groaned in disgust, walking away and into the kitchen.

"Lola, don't be pissed." Kresten begged sorrowfully, following her. As the other guys were talking, I kept my ears open for Kresten's and Lola's discussion in the kitchen, blocking out the guys' conversation.

"Why do you always put me last, in everything?" She hissed.

"I don't do that, and you know it." I could hear Kresten murmur.

"Oh, but you do! I'm your girlfriend, why do you always have to put me to the side and keep secrets from me?" I heard her whisper sourly. As she continues to yell at him in such inaudible hisses, he had quickly hushed her someway, because I didn't hear her anymore. As I heard a few steps coming from where they were, I quickly ran to the couch and sat down, so it wouldn't seem like I was ever eavesdropping.

They both appeared together while Kresten held her hand, and all the guys including myself, gazed at them in silence. "Uh, we're about to..." Kresten's voice trailed off after he raised both of his eyebrows at James, and James smirked, knowing what he was hinting about.

"Oh, okay. Hah, go ahead Kresten." James allowed with a grin, "Use the guest room."

Kresten and Lola both made their way to the staircase, until James threw that small box at them.

"Be sure to use those! Keep it safe, you two." He called out. I could hear Kresten laugh as he dragged Lola upstairs with him. As soon as we heard a door shut upstairs, it went silent, until the guys broke it by snickering. I had a feeling of what they were bound to do, but I kept it inside my head.

"Kresten's getting it in today, isn't he?" Vincent guessed. James nodded, grinning widely. I shifted in my seat, still stiff from trying to convince them that I wasn't listening to their conversation.

"Vincent, go into the kitchen and get us beers, and cigarettes." James commanded with a laugh, and Vincent went into the kitchen, doing as he was asked to.

I sat with my hands in my lap as they all settled down onto any couch available that was in the living room. I sighed while the guys started a subject about something I wasn't interested about, so I went outside to smoke on the porch steps.

The wind blew my hair peacefully as I exhaled the smoke out of me, putting the cigarette to my lips again. I was careful this time, not daring to challenge myself to breathe it in roughly, for I wasn't at that stage yet. Like I mentioned before, I'm not an experienced smoker.

After a few moments, I crushed the half-used up cigarette with my red all stars and went back inside the house, rubbing my hands against my legs from the ash on them. The guys looked at me, and gazed at Michael.

"Mike, do you two need a room?" James teased, cocking an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to even hear the answer. I went to the back of the house and onto the back patio so I could be alone.

As I sat in silence, and the wind started picking up more than before, I thought about a lot of things. My mom, Haley, my dad, being kicked out, and especially Brandon. He hasn't called me to check on me or anything, how lame is that?

I know I aggressively told him to never speak to me again, but usually if a guy is crazy about a girl, they'd do anything to talk and try and compensate, no matter how risky it is after the girl demands for you not to. I propped my elbows on the patio table, resting my head in my hands.

A thought had occurred to me as I was frustrated. Maybe he doesn't feel what I feel for him, maybe he never actually did. I groaned in thought of that, feeling so stupid. And as I sat in my comfortable silence, the back door opened and to my annoying surprise, it was Michael, with a sudden smirk on his face.


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