Chapter 31

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I sat at the back patio of the Zeleski house, on the patio furniture. It was now Sunday. Brandon was somewhere with Brooke and his parents were gone, like usual. Brittany was hanging out with Rebecca, I assume. I was on the phone with Lola, and I admitted to her about being pregnant, and she was stunned at first, but got over it after a few minutes. I’m definitely sure it belongs to Brandon. I hadn’t done anything with anybody else.

“No Lola, I’m not keeping it.” I mumbled out so no one could hear me.

“So what’s your plan? Abortion?” She asked through the phone, she seemed a bit relaxed, maybe she was.

I darted my eyes across the patio table and sighed, “Yeah. I think so.” I felt guilty about killing a baby that doesn’t deserve death, but if you think about it…it’s technically not a baby yet until after the few stages, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m only on stage one, where it’s only just a small figure.

“Did you tell Brandon? Your mom?” She asked.

“I told Brandon that I wasn’t pregnant, but I’ll probably tell my mom.” I told her in a guaranteed attitude. “He said he’d be happy if I was pregnant, although it would be a struggle. But I don’t really want for him to be happy…” My voice trailed off as I realized that I was admitting this to Lola.

“Wow. What did he do to you that was so bad that you’re willing to lie to him just so he isn’t happy?” She questioned, her voice sounded sharp.

“Everything, Lola,” I mumbled out.

“Let me know how it goes, you know, I don’t really support the idea of abortion, but I advise you use pills.” She informed, she sounded like she was eating something now, but I could still understand her.

"Pills?” I repeated, my back stiffening.

“Yeah, it’s like, the least pain you could do to a baby. If you’re going to kill it, at least let it be a peaceful death. It takes around five hours for the pills to kick in, and then the baby’s gone.” She sounded a bit guilty for telling me ways to kill it, and trust me…I felt guilty, too. But a desperate time calls for an unnecessary measure, although it’s wrong.

“How do I get them?” I sat up more, interested in knowing.

“You have to see you doctor, they’ll probably want someone who’s over the age of eighteen to take you, since you’re still under the legal age. So that means you have to tell your mom eventually.” She claimed.

Just as I was about to thank her for the useful information, I quickly paused at the jerk of her voice.

“Wait; do you know how long you’ve been pregnant, babe?” She asked

. “About four weeks now, I assume.” I played with the décor on the table, occupied.

“Okay then, good. Pills are great for you if you’re under ten weeks of pregnancy. Anyway, how is everything over there? I know you’re not fooling around with Michael anymore or the rest of them, but how is Kresten?” She quickly asked. My body stiffened even more, my bottom was shifting in the seat. I totally forgot about the situation I was in with him now. “Um…he’s good.” I stammered out in a struggle.

“Oh, that’s good.” She finally replied. I remained silent, waiting for her to change the subject. “He hasn’t been a rebel ever since he got in trouble, has he?” She questioned.

I rolled my eyes at her for bringing up more questions. “Um…no.” I laughed out, playing with my fingers. After a few minutes of silence, she started talking again.

“Um, babe, I have to go, Shaun is going back to school in a few hours and so he’s taking me out to dinner first.” She confirmed.

“Bye then.” I concluded softly, with a small smile.

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