Betting begins

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Trigger warning:
Chain (not the kinky kind 📸)

Words I shall say for my absence 🤠

Skip if you want 😌

Anyway reasons why I haven't been updating and some events:

-Family issue: Realize mistakes I've made
-Grades: I got good grades now so I'm doing well
-Panick attack: got better :>
- Car crash : almost died 😍✌️
-obey me : most of my reasons why I stopped updating 👀📸
-genshin : Got Thoma and hu Tao but saving for Gorou
-any more but lazy to explain more, but I had a hell of a ride.

Anyway sorry for my absence to be honest while all of these were happening, I just kept playing obey me so obey me is the real reason why I got distracted sooo yea 😘✌️

Anyway I hope you guys are feeling well, and doing alright, thanks for being the big support for me, I honestly love you funny ass comics, some of them makes me die so many times I met my dad and hamster while I was vibing in heaven 🤠

Naruto POV

"Show time?" I asked confused as what the man meant by this.

"What the hell do you mean by show time?" Sasuke said angrily. That's what I'm thinking.

"Don't worry about it, it won't be long for you to have new places to stay." The man said calmly, but had some happiness in his voice.

"OHHH! WERE GETTING ADOPTED?!" I said with joy, jumping excitedly.

"If this will make my job more easier then sure, fuck it, your getting adopted by strangers that might kill you." He sigh as he sound like he was tired.

"YAA-" I exclaimed as I was cut off.

"Naruto, no, we are not getting adopted , we're getting sold, isn't that right?" Neji asked the man.

"Ehh, same thing, just be prepared, and don't cause a scene, because I have a buddy that will let you out, but won't be very smooth, like he is very strict, and he'll kill you if you disobey him, so good luck ." The man said as I can hear him walking away, footsteps fading.



"....I wonder how much we would be worth?" I question out of the blue.

"Naruto, by my guess you won't be worth anything." Sasuke said.

"Big talk from a guy who got his most of his clan killed." I said.

"Most?" Neji asked.

"Yeah, his brother still alive but his other clan mates are dead as fu-" Sasuke than yelled at me.

"SHUT UP!" Sasuke yelled.

".....well you started it," I said smiling.

"No wonder you got your eyes taken away, cause you don't know what's coming for you." Sasuke growled.

"Your right, your mom did came for me, also your dad, and your brother friend, and you neighbor, an-" I said as I was listing every one that Sasuke knew as I joked about them.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY CAME FOR YOU!!" Sasuke yelled. Is he serious? Does he not get the joke?

"Really? There is two different came I know, one is like coming to someone house, and the other is-"

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