Chapter 4: Kidō

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5 Hours Later

"Hado #4. Byakurai!" Yuri fired a jolt of lightning from the tip of his finger. Rangiku just yawned as she swatted the attack away with her hand. The two had been at it for hours now. While she had managed to teach the boy a few spells, he certainly hadn't mastered them. They were weak and fragile, able to be destroyed without an issue.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're just wasting time to be around me longer." Rangiku smirked deviously.

"Shut up!" Yuri blushed. He disappeared from view, flash stepping behind Rangiku and pointing two fingers at her back.

"Hado #1. Sho!" He called out the spell, but Matsumoto moved her hand back without looking, blocking the spell with her palm and reflecting it back onto him. Yuri was sent flying backwards and into a tree at the edge of the training field.

He groaned, sliding down onto his rear and rubbing his temple. "I told you. Just because you can perform a spell doesn't mean it'll be of any use. You have to put more power into it." Rangiku sighed as she approached him.

"Yeah, because that worked out well the last time..." He spat, recalling the many times earlier when his Hado had blown up in his face because of him putting too much energy into them.

"Find a balance between power and focus. If you don't do that, you'll never get the hang of it." She said, stopping in front of him. The boy huffed as he stood back up.

"That's easier said than done." He mumbled.

"I have an idea." Rangiku said, a metaphorical light bulb flicking on above her head.

"Shoot." Yuri said.

"Every Soul Reaper's powers are driven from their Reiryoku: their Spirit Power. Believe it or not, this is linked to one's will. If you were desperate for something, your Reiryoku will adapt to help you." Rangiku tried to explain in a way that made sense.

"Go on..." Yuri was curious where she was going with this.

"If I were to battle you. Push you to the edge. Perhaps that would be enough for your body to start adjusting to your new role. Hey, I might even be able to force you to manifest your Zanpakutō like Captain Hitsugaya asked." Rangiku smirked. "But that's unlikely. It takes years for students to gain their Zanpakutō."

"Just what exactly is a Zanpakutō? This is all very new to me." Yuri said honestly. The woman understood that completely and decided to demonstrate. She latched her hand onto the hilt of the sword on her back, unsheathing it and showing it to the boy.

"This is a Zanpakutō. Every Soul Reaper must gain their Zanpakutō before they can join the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. They are a reflection of their wielder's soul and every Zanpakutō is different." Rangiku placed her free hand on the blade of the weapon. "Each Zanpakutō has two forms outside of their sealed state."

The two stared at each other as Rangiku began to slide her hand down the weapon. "First is the Shikai." Her Zanpakutō began to glow as she said that, her eyes now stern. "Growl. Haineko."

The blade of the Zanpakutō disappeared into ash and scattered into the air, leaving Yuri dumbfounded as he stared at the now empty hilt of the weapon.

"Woah! Did you just make that disappear?" His jaw was slightly agape as he watched. Rangiku felt a hint of pride at the reaction she was being given.

"Every Zanpakutō has a unique ability. Haineko can scatter into ashes on my command. I can control these ashes and use them to cut my enemies." She explained before reforming the ashes into a blade.

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