Chapter 6: The Human World

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I don't even know if it's just unconscious talent at this point. How the fuck did I do something only prodigies have done? And within a day no less? I'm not complaining. Not by a large margin. But still, I can't help but feel a little proud of myself.

And now here I am. Sat on a rooftop with an ice sword sat beside me as I rest with Renji, Rangiku, Ikkaku and some guy- I think his name is Yumichika.

"So, you're Ichigo's friend? Should've known." Ikkaku said. Yeah, Rangiku had kind of just gone ahead and told them. It wasn't like it really mattered.

"That's me. But I'm not named after a fruit, so I'm cooler." I joked, earning a few laughs from the group. I could make my jokes now, but Ichigo was definitely beating himself up right now and blaming himself for me getting drive by shanked by that hollow. That's the kind of guy he is.

"Say. Don't you have family or something back in the Human World?" Renji turned to me. I knew this question was coming eventually. It was a common thing to ask when scavenging for conversation starters. 'Oh, how's the family?'.

"My mom died when I was 12. 4... 5 years ago. My dad was a raging alcoholic and one night after one too many drinks, he decided it was a good idea to shoot my mom. So that happened." I said in a monotone. I was internally in a mix of anger and depression, but I didn't really show it until I saw the expressions on everyone's faces. Everyone had sat up just to look at me in sadness.

"You poor thing." Rangiku said. For once it wasn't in the teasing tone she loved so much. It was serious voice as she looked like she wanted to cry tears for me.

"That son of a bitch... What happened to him?" Renji looked absolutely furious.

"Uh. From what I recall, I wasn't actually home at the time. When I got back from school, cops were already on the scene. Apparently he shot himself before he could be detained." I said quietly.

"Coward!" Ikkaku suddenly exclaimed in rage, slamming his hand down against the roof tiles and cracking a few.

"Oh, how I hope his soul resides somewhere in Rukongai. I'll teach him what happens to those who are truly ugly." Yumichika swept his hair from his face.

"Forget that. I hope that bastard is in hell or got devoured by a hollow." Rangiku snapped. While I wanted to agree fully, a part of my better nature told me what was done was done. Still... Repentance would be a lovely thing to hear of.

"That's why me and Ichigo are close. I kind of lived with him for like a year. He's one hell of a guy, I'll say that." I sighed and laid back fully.


"Hey. You okay?" A younger Ichigo loomed beside his friend. Him and Yuri we're in the school hallway between classes. It didn't take a genius to realise something was on the latter's mind.

"I'm... fine." Yuri said unenthusiastically. He looked mentally drained, and not just from the last class.

"Yuri, you look dead. You're definitely not fine." Ichigo placed a hand on his shoulder as the boy shut his locker, placing his head against the metal door once he had.

"My mom and dad just died all in one day. I don't know the slightest thing about self reliance and most of their stuff just went to me. I don't even know if I can live in that house..." He mumbled in defeat. With so much death in the house and the fact he was alone... he just didn't know if he could stay there right now.

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