Chapter 7: Arrancars

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Everyone just stood and stared as Rukia grabbed Ichigo out of his body, dragging his now shihakushō clad body out the window and dashing off with the screaming boy.

"She... What..." Yuri continued with his blank expression. He had met Rukia before when she had 'transferred' to the school. "You're telling me she's a soul reaper, too?" He glanced back at the other Shinigami.

"Yep. Ichigo got his powers from her." Renji answered as they all entered into the classroom. It was better than standing in the hall. Renji and Rangiku sat on two different tables while Ikkaku and Yumichika paced around. Toshiro leant up against the blackboard and Soi Fon stood with her arms crossed.

"I always thought they were dating. Was silently giving my blessings to poor little Orihime." Yuri hummed, walking over to his old desk and resting a hand on it.

"With him? Pssht." Ikkaku rolled his eyes.

"Oh, shut up, reflector head. Just because you can't get your own woman." Rangiku said with an amused tone. She knew just how to get a rise out of the man. Ikkaku's head clicked towards her with robotic precision, his eyes darkening as demons swirled in his pupils from his pure rage.

"What did you call me...?" He asked in a slow, threatening tone.

"Nothing..." Matsumoto responded with an unaware expression.

"Do they always behave like this?" Yuri looked over at Toshiro.

"Unfortunately." The young captain sighed. The two other shinigami huffed at that.

"If we have nothing else to do, I'd like to go for a walk. This 'Gigai' feels odd." Yuri rolled his arm in a circle. Being in his new spirit form felt a lot more freeing than a human body. Even so, he knew the gigai felt different to that. It was like wearing a specific shirt over and over, then suddenly changing the material. It felt unnatural.

"Go ahead." Hitsugaya nodded. Yuri uttered a 'thank you' before walking to the door, passing an, as usual, irritated looking Soi Fon. Why was she even on the mission if she hated everyone so much?

He just continued past her and left the room, deciding to go check out his home. He had moved back into it after a year or so of staying with Ichigo, and by now he had managed to come to terms with the location.

Yuri paused outside his home, remembering how he had his key on him when he died. He didn't have it anymore. But then he recalled something.

He slid the doormat to the side, revealing a spare that was obscured beneath it. With a content hum he grabbed the item, sliding it into the keyhole and twisting it. The lock opened, allowing him to push the door open.

Everything was just as he left it. The place was honestly very similar to Ichigo's place, just with more of a blue colouration compared to the warmer setting of the other house.

He couldn't shake the constant nagging feeling in the back of his mind. It was like an inside voice that wouldn't shut up rambling to him. Yuri did his best to block it out as he entered the home and kicked the door shut behind him. He glanced around the place as he strolled into the living room first.

The first thing his eyes scanned was the couch. The grey furniture sat calmly in the same place it had always been. And still in pristine condition, one of his favourite jackets rested over the back of the couch. Yuri sauntered over to the apparel with a happy hum, grabbing at the thin, white material. A couple blue streaks marked its sides, making it look even colder; an appearance he loved.

"And back with me you go..." He whispered, sliding the coat up his arms and fixing it around himself. It brought him a sense of comfort to be back in it, if he was honest. Plus, it looked better than a damn school uniform.

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