Chapter 4-the Nation on Water

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Y/n's Pov

It's been about a week since I killed Orochi I just hope she stays dead this time. Today I head to Lumeria to give a speech, I can't wait to see Aiden. Aiden was my father's best friend. When my parents passed he became my regent and like a second father to me. I packed up my clothes, my laptop, and anything I might need. Everyone thinks I'm going to Japan, luckily Tenshukaku or The Crystal Castle is Modeled after Japanese architecture. I walked out to the living room after I finished packing to see my younger sister Alice in the kitchen. She's trying to get a cookie again. I walk in to see her standing on her toes trying to reach up to the counter. I walked over to her and got her a Cookie. "Don't tell James Or Elizabeth" I said. She just gave me a hug and skipped off.

"You spoil her too much" I turned to see Elizabeth standing in the door way. "Your just jealous I'm her favorite sibling" I said. She laughed "oh really is that a challenge". Her expression went from Happy to Serious in an instant. That was just how Elizabeth was she liked to get to the point and she was always brutally honest. "I have to ask have you been drinking" she asked. I knew she would ask that. "Nope been sober for 8 days as of today" I said with a smile. She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, tell Lloyd I said thank you" She said.

"What do you mean" I asked Separating from the hug. "Oh come on you guys started dating." She said. "No we're just friends" I responded. She gave me a Serious look. "But you want to be more than that" she asked. "I don't know what I want, a part of me is telling me I do, but I'm also scared that it will end up like it did with Adam" I said crying a bit. She pulled me into hug. "Adam was a manipulative Asshole, honestly I think James would have killed the guy" she said. I laughed a bit at the last part. James always looked out for me, he probably would have killed Adam if he didn't spend the night trying to cheer me up.

I pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears away. "Your right I shouldn't let one bad guy ruin dating for me" I said. "But I can't ask him, I don't know if he likes me, and I've never asked a guy on a date in my life" I said. "I'll be here to help you when you want to ask him" she said giving me one last hug. "Thanks Lizzie" I said walking out to grab my suitcase.

Time Skip.

Finally Lumeria. Aiden was waiting for me as I got of the private jet he sent to bring me here. Aiden was dressed in a brown suit with golden accents, a black tie and brown dress shoes. He had a light brown complexion and Gold eyes. His horns were brown at the bottom that faded to gold towards the top. He was a Earth Dragon so he didn't have wings.
"Aiden it's so good to see you" I said. "It's great to see you my king, So you ready to give your speech" he asked "As ready as I'll ever be" I said.

I performed my speech on a disaster Relief bill. Afterward Senator Kalen one of the biggest supporters of the bill, approached me, "that was a excellent speech my king, hopefully it will cause us to get more votes towards the bill" she said. "I hope so, i don't want anyone to suffer from a low income, Homelessness, and lack of health care and disaster Relief" I said walking with her and Aiden. "Well then you'll be happy to hear that both your income tax and health care bills have been passed and will take effect tomorrow" she said.

I said goodbye to Senator Kalen and headed to Tenshukaku. As the King I'm more of a public figure than a actual ruler, which is why I only really give speeches on what's currently being debated in the Senate, Aiden handles the actual logistics, and is the one who purposes my bills before the Senate. It was the same thing with my parents and my grandparents, they had Regents and those regents handled all the logistics, in fact Aiden's mother was my parents regent and his grandfather was my grandparents regent.

I walked to my room, it was decked out with a personal study, a small library, a king sized bed, a balcony, plants and crystals everywhere. I plugged in my laptop, and started a video call with Lloyd. "Hey Lloyd, how's your day going" I asked. "Hey Y/n, I'm fine I've just been helping around Steep Wisdom today" he said smiling with his usual goofy grin. "I have a question for you though" he said. "Really what is it" I asked. Is he going to ask me out?

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