Chapter 7- Calm

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Y/n's Pov

I looked over a bunch of clothes that I spread across my bed, I had picked three outfits, and after looking over the outfits I decided on the first which was a dark purple short dress, black ripped pants, dark purple heeled boots, a black leather jacket, and finally two purple bracelets on my right arm. I walked out of my room and into the living room, to see Lloyd talking with my brother, James. Lloyd was wearing a green shirt under a white jacket, grey jeans, and green sneakers, with the necklace I gave him. I felt a bit overdressed compared to him, he was wearing something so simple. Lloyd noticed me finally, I chuckled a bit when a light blush covered his face.

"He better be back before eight o'clock, Young Man" James Joked. Lloyd laughed nervously grabbing his bookbag, and that's when James got serious. "Oh and keep your hands above the waist" James was always like this unless you knew him well you couldn't really tell if he was joking or deadly serious. I sighed and walked over to grab Lloyd "James we haven't even got to first base yet what makes you think we're going to skip to the second" I ushered Lloyd towards the elevator.

When we were in the elevator Lloyd kept staring at me, the worried expression on his face told me everything I needed to know. "Relax you should have plenty of time to learn the spell, for now, let's have some fun," I said trying to put him at ease. It seemed to work a bit, but I could still tell he was worried. Should I tell him about the final part of the Prophecy? I pushed that thought aside when we reached the ground floor and headed out the door. We walked all the way to the arcade, the place was larger than I expected. It was kind of intimidating I looked around at the various games while Lloyd went to get us some tokens.

As I looked around I noticed someone familiar staring at me from the corner of the arcade. Ugh, why is he here? Shit, he's coming this way. His hair was its normal dark blue, and his eyes were exactly like I remember, the same grey eyes that seemed dead. "It's been a while" was all he said with a fake smile. "Adam, Don't pretend you're happy to see me, now what do you want," I asked.

"I just wanted to remind you to keep your temper in check, so you don't drive that guy away as you did me," he said in his normal condescending tone. "Last time I checked you were the one with the volatile temper," I said. "Oh really remember when you asked me to tell you what I thought about that vase you made, I told you it was good, then you shattered it yelling about how I said it was perfect" here he goes again. "That's not what happened, I had just finished it and you slapped it off the table, but whatever believe whatever you want, you can try and make me feel bad, but honestly I have more important things to deal with" I walked away and over to where Lloyd was.

"Who was that guy, Y/n," Lloyd asked with a concerned tone. I didn't respond, but my expression told him everything he needed to know. "Enough of that, we came here to have fun so let's have fun," I said grabbing his hand and heading for the opposite side of the arcade. Lloyd hurried me over to one of his favorite games, it was a shooter, with ghosts.

He was way better at it then me, racking up over fifty thousand points while I got a measley one hundred. We continued playing games, as we continued playing Lloyd stopped worrying, while I continued Worrying about Adam. After we played for a while we got some food and drinks, from the small snack bar they had in the arcade.

I had gotten Chips and Dip, with Lemonade, while Lloyd got a hotdog, and a Soda. I was using my index finger to shift the Chips around the Paper container.

"Y/n you okay" Lloyd asked. "Oh yeah, just thinking about what game we should play next" I said. Lloyd placed his hand on mine, "Somethings Bothering you, and it's not what we're going to play next, you can tell me anything you know"

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Your not going to let this go are you". "Nope" He said with a cheeky smile. I thought for a minute before speaking again, "That guy I was talking to was my Ex-Boyfriend, he was being his usual Self, trying to gaslight me".

"Back when we were dating, another guy had complemented me on an art project I was doing for art class, Adam responded with destroying my project and Choking me half to death, every so often he would beat me for just talking to another person, and he went out of his way to make the friends I did have look bad, so I would stop hanging out with them" As I explained I noticed Lloyd looking around the arcade, he was looking for Adam.

"Eventually thanks to James and Elizabeth, I got the courage to leave him, As you already know not many people ask me out or even come near me because of my Achievements, so when my first boyfriend turned out to be an abusive Narcissistic asshole, I stopped trying to find someone." As i finished Lloyd turned to me.

"So why'd you fall for me" why did I fall for him?

"To tell you the truth I first got a crush on you back when you fix up my wing" I explained.

"You fell in love with me when we first met, seems a bit Cliche doesn't it, I have to admit you were pretty cute" He teased, causing me to blush a bit.

"When did you start liking to tease me" I asked, he chuckled a bit.

"If I said it didn't have anything to do with me dating the cutest Guy in the world, I'd be a liar" He said, causing me to blush even more.

I quickly composed myself, and answered his question, "To answer your question, No, I didn't fall in love with you back then, Love isn't something that happens instantly, over the time we spent together in these last few weeks, is when I started falling for you".

"Anyway let's play some more games" I grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the games. This gaming session ended mostly the same, with the only difference being I finally won a game, that being DDR.

Afterwards we went to the prize booths, it has a wide variety of things like rings, necklaces, Candy, and even Plushies. Both me and Lloyd were at different booths. As I looked over all the prizes, when my eyes landed on a Ring.

The ring was a green dragon curled around to resemble a ring, luckily I had enough to get it, by the time I walked over to the entrance Lloyd was already there.

"I got you something" We said in unison as we pulled out the gifts we got each other, upon closer look we realized the gifts were the same ring with the only difference being the color with the one he got me being a dark purple.

I snorted a bit and we both busted out laughing, I was laughing so hard tears were forming in my eyes. Our laughter petered out after a few minutes. I handed Lloyd his ring and he immediately put it on, I was expecting him to hand me the one he got me, instead he grabbed my hand and put it on himself.

Lloyd was still holding my hand as he led me along, "Come on, I don't want James murdering me because I brought you back home late" he joked.

As we walked back Lloyd and I talked about our favorite Foods, as soon as we reached the door to the apartment complex, we went our separate ways. I quickly got on the elevator and headed up.

When I arrived I was met by Lizzie and James staring at me. "So you two didn't cross any bases did you" James asked. "Yes actually, we hit a home run" I joked. "I'll kill Him" James shot up and ran to the elevator. I grabbed the back of his shirt before he could enter the elevator. "I'm joking, James, we just held hands".

Lizzie let out a gasp, "How Scandalous" she joked. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take a shower then head to bed" I said walking out of the living room and into my room.

As I took my shower and got ready for bed, I couldn't help but think about Orochi and The prophecy, how unfair it was to ask me to give up everything, how I'll more than likely never see Lloyd again.

Clouds filled my vision as all that could be heard in my room was a sorrowful requiem, after awhile I had finally drifted to sleep.

3rd Person POV

No Sooner did y/n fall asleep did a shadow appear on his wall, the shadow was featureless except for a large sharp toothy grin and four Horizontal jagged eyes. "Hehehe, Y/n my sweet Y/n, Your mine it's time for us to reunite".


(Author's Note, For those that like this story I'm working on another Ninjago Story in-between working on this and the Four Dragons, that will take place in the Show Continuity. The story itself will be a lot darker than this one. Anyway onto this story, the next chapter Storm is about 25% Finished, Thank you for Your Patience, See ya again soon, Bookworms)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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