My Concert Experiences

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(When I get bored, I like to type random life stories up.)

Going to concerts is seriously one of the best things. My parents complain that you can't understand a word anyone says live, but I don't seem to have that problem.

The excitement and the thrill of seeing an artist live is just an unexplainable and wonderful feeling. The energy of the crowd, the sound filling the arena, the lights, the cheering, it all comes together to make concerts a unique and enjoyable experience.

I have been to seven concerts, (eight if you count the Revolve tour which was a concert/girl empowerment thing). Five of those concerts are actually all the same thing, Winter Jam.

Winter Jam is an annual Christian tour during January to March where admission is always only $10 and you get to see 10 artists live. I first went 6 years ago with my youth group, though at the time I didn't know any of the artists there. Two years later (and so far every year after that) I've gone back and actually known some of the artists there. This concert is a highlight of my year every year now because it's fun and exciting and I often discover two or three artists to add to my insanely large and ever growing music collection. Some of the artists I've seen at Winter Jam that I either loved before I saw them (which made me so happy to finally see them live) or that I fell in love with during the concert are: tobyMac, Jamie Grace, Newsboys, Colton Dixon, Plumb, Group 1 Crew, Blanca (used to be part of G1C), Family Force 5, Francesca Battistelli, Skillet, Royal Tailor, Matthew West, and Sidewalk Prophets.

The Revolve tour, which I count partially as a concert, was also a Christian event. There were a few singers like Jamie Grace there. Britt Nicole was originally scheduled to be there but she ended up not coming (which upset me quite a bit because she is my absolute favorite Christian artist). This tour was awesome and while I was there, I high fived Jamie Grace!

August 9th, 2013. This was a truly unforgettable day for both me and my best friend ebearskittychan . She is the biggest Owl City fan that I've ever met, and she has made me a bigger fan of him than I already was years ago. When he announced his 2013 tour, my friend and I made sure we got tickets. The Owl City concert was so much fun. I was jumping around and singing along to all of the songs. Echosmith was the opening act, and their first album hadn't even come out at the time. I enjoy bragging to my friends that I saw Cool Kids live about a year before the song was even on the radio. I bought a bottle of water while at the concert, rolled it up once it was empty, and stuck it in my pocket to throw away later. I forgot to dispose of it, though, so I decided to keep it. I still have it to this day. Also, my best friend's dream basically came true on that day, but that's a whole other story...

Of course, I've had fun at every concert I've been to, but I saved my favorite for last......

April 20, 2013. (To all my friends out there, I bet you didn't expect me to say that date, did you?) Well, this wasn't exactly the best day of my life. It was the day that my phone decided to randomly stop working on me, causing me to be unable to text one of my friends for almost a week. It was also the day that started the longest seven months of waiting of my life. It was the day I bought concert tickets to see Selena Gomez!!!

Well, seven months later, on November 17, 2013, I and another one of my best friends, KathrynTomlinson went to Kansas City, Missouri to see my all time favorite singer live. (I've basically been a fan of Selena since the start of Wizards of Waverly Place.). I managed to buy us floor seats in the 9th row directly beside the giant 'S' that came out of the main stage. Christina Grimmie and Emblem 3 were the opening acts. It was awesome seeing them perform, especially Christina. Her voice is so powerful and amazing live! Then when Selena came out for the show, it was the greatest experience ever! I actually touched her hand! Honestly, I and my friend remember every single detail of that day from the moment we woke up to the moment we got home at 2 am. I'll probably end up writing that whole experience out one day, but not now, since this is pretty long already.

I'm going to see One Direction live in July with two of my friends this year. I'm really looking forward to that as well.

That's just about every concert that I've had the chance to experience and I've enjoyed every single one of them. There are so many artists I hope to see live in the future, but money is an issue sometimes... And also the fact that most of them don't bother to come close enough to see them...

Anyway, if you bothered to read through my unnecessary explanations, you're awesome! Hope you enjoyed it.

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