Chapter 1

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I stopped in the middle of the backroad. My group looked at me.
"Guys quiet" I hissed. I listened. There it was. The moans and groans of the dead. I reached behind me and grabbed the katana from its case.
"What do we do? It sounds like a lot of them?" Cassie asked.
"We have to turn back and make a detour" I answered. Then there was screaming. A lot of screaming. 

"Ang I know what you're thinking and don't. We don't know how many there are" Derrick said looking at me. I shook my head at him and ran towards the way it was coming from. I turned on the road and stopped. There had to be a dozen of the dead and there was about five people trying to fight them off while some of them were chomping on some of the people that were with them. My group caught up to me. 

"We gotta do this quick there could be more coming" Joann said. I nodded and ran up with the sword. I cut one of the heads off the dead. I got to the truck and climbed up on the bed where one of the guys who looked around my age if not a little older was with a gun. 

"Stop shooting unless you want more of them coming" I said to him. I took my sword and stabbed one in the head that was climbing up here. My group and I slaughtered the dead like we usually did. We were a smart and really good group that knew how to deal with them after our training. 

"We need to move in case they heard screams. More could be on the way" Derrick said. 

"And go where? No where is safe" A girl said. 

"Yes there is" I replied. She gave me a weird and confused look at the same time. It kind of looked like she was disgusted with me. I rolled my eyes. 

"Where?" The guy from the bed of the truck asked as he jumped down from it. I smiled looking at my team who was also smiling. 

"Let start heading back" Derrick said. I took the back of the group looking around for the dead making sure we would be fine from attacks. The guy that was in the truck slowed down and stayed by me. 

"What's your name?" He asked. 

"Angelina but my friends call me Ang or Angie" I answered.

"I'm Ben" He replied.

"Nice to meet you Ben" I responded still looking around. 

"So this place we are going to. It's safe?" He asked.

"Yes it's safe. It's a school that we took over near the beginning. The military helped fortify it with steel gates. Nothing can get in or out without us knowing and of course we are careful. Curfews and noise is kept to a minimum. We use silencers on the guns if we have to use them" I answered. He smiled. 

"I can't wait to finally get to sleep without one eye open all the time and maybe have more than two hours of sleep" The girl said falling back with us. 

"Some of us don't even do that still" Derrick said looking back at me. I glared at him. 

"If it's so safe why are you out here right now?" Another girl asked. 

"Because we do runs and training out here so that way we know what to do when shit hits the fan along with feeding our people. We have a lot stocked up but we still come out to make sure we don't run out anytime soon" Joann answered looking back. 

"How many people do you have there?" Ben asked.

"About a hundred" I answered. 

"Wow" Ben replied.

"We had more but there was a situation with a group where we lost twenty of them" Cassie responded. I looked at the ground and took a deep breath. James was one of the lives lost on that trip. He died saving me from the dead. There was way more of them then there was of us. 

"Angelina lost someone on that trip" Joann whispered to them. I stopped walking.

"Yeah I did but why is it their business?" I demanded from her. She stopped walking and looked back at me. 

"Because Angie you've been a little different since you returned from that trip and they should know you're not always a bitchy ass person who is also reckless. Saving these people? Running towards their screams was reckless. What if there were more of them? We could've died" She said. 

"That doesn't mean you put my business out there for everyone of these people to know" I replied.

"Guys we're attracting unwanted attention" Derrick said. I looked around and saw a few of the dead coming this way.

"We cleared this way" Cassie commented. 

"Their screams attracted more dumbass" Joann said. I wanted to punch her. 

"This isn't the time or place" Derrick said looking at us. I walked towards one of the dead and sliced it's head off while Cassie got the other one with her sword. 

We stood at the gate with some of our people on the top of it with guns. They looked down at us.

"Are any infected?" Billy asked calling down to us. I looked at them all. They did have dried blood on them and I couldn't tell. 

"Don't know" I answered. He groaned a bit. 

"They have to go in quarantine Ang" Billy said. I nodded.

"I'll take them there myself" I volunteered. He nodded and looked at Justin. He pulled went to the box and pushed the button. I opened the door and we walked inside. 

"Have fun babysitting" Joann said walking away. I glared at her. I had the five of them follow me to the one building. I opened the door and they followed behind me. I stopped in the lobby and turned to look at them. 

"Right now you all will have a shared room and shower room. You have to shower with the a guard in the room weather it's female or male. Female guards for the girls and Male one for the guys. after that they will examine your body to make sure you have no bite or scratches. We can't risk an infection here. My team and I will also be in this building because they have to do the same to us but we won't be staying for more than a day. After that is done I will give you the welcoming part of this community. We all have jobs to do here and we will figure out where to put you. There could also be a test to see what you would be better at. We have doctors and are always in need of more. We have guard training for everyone" I said. I turned and walked to a door. I opened it and they followed me inside. There was twelve beds in here. I walked to the other door and opened it. 

"The shower room. Up to three can shower at once. There's clothes in the trunk at the end of each bed. Shower stuff is in the closet in the shower room" I said as two guards came in. One of each gender. I walked out of the room and one of them gently grabbed my arm. I looked back and saw Ben. 

"Thank you for this" He said. I lightly smiled and walked to the other door where my team would be so I could shower too.  

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