Chapter 5

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Three days passed of me going into their building and hanging out with them. Mostly Ben actually and today I get to show them to their dorms which was in the same building as mine on the same floor. It was rare because this floor was pretty much empty other than my room. I think spencer did that on purpose because I brought them in here.

"You guys can pick a room. When we get more people you might have a roommate" I said. They all went off to pick one. I opened my door and kept it open in case they needed something. I sat down on my bed and there was a knock on the door. I looked up and saw Josie.

"I was wondering if there were clothes?" She asked. I nodded. I got up and went out to the hall. I went to the room next to mine and opened it. I went to the boxes for girls and grabbed one for her. I handed it to her and she smiled at me.

"Thank you" she said.

"Anytime and there are heated blankets in the closet in here for when it get colder. We have our own generator for this building so it shouldn't be too bad for the power" I replied. She nodded. She left the room to go back to hers. I grabbed one for a boy and walked out. Ben took the room across from mine and I knocked on the door. He opened it.

"Hey" He said smiling.

"Hey I thought maybe you'd like some clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah I would. Thank you" He answered. He grabbed the box and set it on his bed. I walked in a little bit.

"If you run into the others can you let them know that the first door on the floor has clothes and blankets?" I replied.

"Yeah I can" He responded looking at me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine" I replied.

"When are you going back out for your job?" He responded.

"Well for right now my job is to help you guys get settled" I said.

"Hopefully you can go back out soon though right?" He asked.

"Yeah. It can get pretty boring here without something to do" I answered. He opened the box and started putting the clothes in his closet. I grabbed some hangers and helped him with the shirts.

"What the fuck is that?" Josie came running into my room because I left my door open. The buzzer was going off in all the rooms. I ran to my closet grabbing my sword. I pushed passed all of them and made my way to the gate. There was shouting and so many of us on the gate with their guns. I climbed up the ladder and looked down.

"Holy shit" I said seeing a huge group of them pushing on the gate.

"Angelina get down now" Spencer said moving closer to me shooting one in the head.

"You needed help" I replied.

"We can handle this. Go do what I need you to do" He responded looking at me.

"Fuck that" I said. I grabbed a spare gun after I dropped the sword and looked down at the old storage unit a few feet away. I jumped down on it and started shooting the dead in the head.

"Ben go. You aren't trained for this yet" Spence said to him as I felt someone land next to me. I looked pointing the gun at him.

"It's just me" He said. I nodded and turned my attention to the dead. He started shooting too. He took a step closer and next thing I know we went through the metal into the storage container that was open on the one side. They started coming. I winced when I stood up feeling pain in my ankle. I started shooting as much as I could. Ben helped me killing them but they kept coming.

"Angelina" I heard someone scream my name. I looked up through the hole and saw spence looking down at us.

"Help us" I screamed. They were getting closer.

"Light it up now" Spence screamed. I heard the shots. They brought out the machine gun. I kept firing the gun I had trying to eliminate the ones in the container. Ben moved forward a bit blocking my path from them.

"What are you doing?" I demanded. He kept going and shooting them. I moved and shot the last one in the container in the head. He walked back. He bent down and picked me up. His gun was hanging on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carried me around to the door. They opened it for us. He carried me in and Spence jumped down from the top of the gate.

"What the fuck was that Monroe?" He demanded giving me this really pissed off expression.

"My job" I said.

"I told you that you're job is to help the new group not give them ideas that they can disrespect their leader" He snapped.

"Spence take a chill pill" I snapped back.

"Take her to the clinic and then both of you will be in quarantine until further notice" He said. Ben carried me to the clinic after I had to explain how to get there.

The doctor wrapped my ankle and gave me a crutch to use. I rolled my eyes at that. I made my way to quarantine and went inside. I already took a shower in the clinic because they needed that before I could get treated. Ben came walking over here. I could tell he just got out of the shower.

"Hungry?" He asked. I nodded my head. He came over close to me and took the crutch. He set it against the wall and picked me up again.

"You know I could've walked there myself right?" I asked.

"Yeah but what kind of person would I be if I let you walk there with a bad ankle?" He answered. I rolled my eyes as he set me down on a chair in the main hall.

"Why did you risk your life to do that?" He replied grabbing us drinks.

"They needed help. If they didn't get it with that big of a group we would all be in trouble" I responded.

"Spencer told me that they had it and I wasn't trained for it" He said.

"But you proved that you are ready to go out on the next run though" I replied.

"Is that bad?" He responded.

"I was told the next run is the big Sam's club which will be in a couple days" I said.

"I wanted that run too" He said smiling.

"Me too but after disobeying Spence I don't know if I can" I replied.

"You know the dude likes you right?" He responded.

"What? There's no way and besides he is seven years older than me anyways" I said.

"Age doesn't matter" He replied looking away. The cooks brought food out to us and set it down on the table.

"Well I don't like him that way" I responded. He looked at me and lightly smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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