Chapter 2

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I walked out of the joined room with my team still drying my hair with a towel. Jared walked out of the room the others were in. 

"They're ready" He said. I nodded. 

"Have them come to the main hall. I'll get the cooks to make food for them" I replied. 

"Yes ma'am" He responded. I walked to the main hall and put the towel on on of the chairs. I walked to the kitchen area and asked the cooks to make some food for them. I came back into the room and grabbed the test for them to see where they would be put job wise. I set them down in front of some of the seats and sat down at the head of the table. It was a few minutes before they came in and took seats. Ben sat down close to me. 

"Why don't you guys start with the tests. I've already asked for food to be made and they will bring it out in a moment. There are drinks on that back table if you'd like to grab something at any time" I said. Ben looked at the table.

"Holy shit you have pop and coffees too?" He said. 

"We raided two sam's clubs in the last month" I replied. He smiled getting up to get a drink.

"It's been a minute since I had some juice" He said grabbing an apple juice. I smiled at that comment. 

"Okay so I'll be looking at these test soon to tell you where you would be best placed at here but first rules and what we do here. Every day we have training. It starts at dawn until curfew. One group at a time because we all have jobs. We train because we don't know when we might need it and it would be best if we all knew how to defend ourselves if anything should happen. We are trained with the military guards. We all get our own living spaces. It's a college so dorms. Some of the buildings have shared shower rooms and other have personal bathrooms. But you won't be getting into one of those until your three days are up in here. Curfew is when it starts to get dark out. Everyone goes to bed or there up on the wall protecting us. There is a button on the wall if there is an emergency and we have to evacuate. It goes off in every room in the community."

"Noise level will be kept down. If not you will and can be sent to lock up until you learned your lesson anyone who doesn't will be banished from here. We are trying to be a safe space from them. One slip and the dead will be on us. If you're under the age of eighteen then school is put into that as well. Classes. One class is a training one and runs two hours the rest is learning the basics of course. Meals will be served at certain times during the day. Miss one you have to wait until the next one to come. Which we do some every two hours due to jobs and school. Outside missions will come after you've been here for a month. We want you trained and taught how to do them the correct way and not risk any lives. And yes you will be going out on missions unless you have a job that is too important to lose you at"

"Another thing is. Relationships here. We aren't against them. We actually support them. More of us than them is welcomed. Once you hit twenty three I think which I'm not sure because I think we put the age down again then you will be as simple as it gets married to someone. We need more of us then them again. We had a few weddings just yesterday and the couples are usually put in a different building for a week. Test are usually done two weeks after that. I know it sounds horrible sometimes but we are trying to populate again. If you're sick with anything and I mean anything at all. Headache, stomach ache, or just anything at all you're quarantined for three days and also treated because we aren't risking a death. You die in your living space and we all can die from you coming back as one of them. Any questions?" I said.

"Do we get to pick who we want to be with?" Ben asked.

"Sometimes" I answered.

"How do you know what jobs we get?" A girl asked.

"These test are about you. What you are good at and weak at. That's why there were so many weird questions on there. We want to know you in and out. That determines what job you get" I answered. 

"So we have to be here for three days?" A guy asked. I nodded at his question. 

"Any more questions?" I asked. They shook their heads no. I nodded grabbing their tests. I looked at Josie's test. With what it on there I smiled.

"Josie I think you'd be better as a teacher but it says you're seventeen right?" I asked. 

"I'll be eighteen soon I think" She answered. I nodded.

"We'll get you in there for that" I said. I looked at Marks next. 

"Mark I'm gonna put you on guard duty" I replied. I came to Ben's next. On that it reminded me a lot of James. I smiled.

"Ben you'll be better at missions that anything else" I said. 

"I'll be going outside the wall?" He asked.

"Yeah" I answered. I looked at the other two and gave them jobs with the cooks or laundry department. I got up with the papers after I put there jobs down on the papers. 

"What do we do now?" Ben asked. I looked over at him. 

"Well we have a library here. There's also a game room with board games. No electronics I'm afraid. But there's also a gym and I wanna say court too. You guys can explore the building but guards will be there incase one of you are infected. There's also going to be two in your room as well as outside. The only thing you can't do is go outside" I answered. He nodded. I went over to Jared and gave him the test to give to the leader. He took them and left.

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