Chapter 3

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"So how long have you been here?" Ben asked as we were in the library. 

"Since the beginning" I answered.

"I don't know how long that was. Lost track of how many days that was" He replied.

"About a year" I responded. 

"I can't believe it's been that long" He said sitting back in his chair. 

"Yeah I remember it like it was yesterday honestly" I replied.

"Where were you when it happened?" He asked.

"AP English" I answered. He laughed. 

"High school" He replied.

"Where were you?" I asked. 

"I skipped school that day to piss off my dad. I was in the mall" he answered. I laughed at that. 

"Probably wasn't as bad as being in a high school" I replied.

"No it wasn't. There wasn't that many people there since it was the beginning of the week on a school day but I do remember a few people running and getting tackled being torn apart" he responded. 

"That was a horrible day" I said looking at the table. 

"It was" He replied.

"I lost my sister to them and I have no idea what happened to my brother or my parents" I responded. 

"Shit I'm sorry" He said.

"Well we all lost people" I replied.

"That girl said you lost someone special recently. Who?" He asked.

"The day it happened I was saved by this guy. Sargent Roberts. You'll hear about him. James was my hero. He trained me and we were close. He was like an older brother to me" I answered. 

"I'm so sorry about that. Can I ask what happened?" He replied.

"We went on a big mission. There was too many of them and there was thirty of us. He died saving me. I was swarmed by a few. I was doing good but one came up on my back. He grabbed it off of me and it took him down. A few of us escaped but we were down twenty of them" I responded. 

"When we came in I saw a memorial thing in the front. Is that all of them who were lost?" He asked.

"The names on there is everyone that we lost not just from that mission" I answered. 

"There was a lot of names on that board" He replied.

"There was about five hundred of us when this started. That's why they put in the law here for us to repopulate. I checked the age after I left. It's twenty now. I have a year and a half before I have to have children" I responded. 

"And I have a year" He said. 

"Maybe You'll find someone great to start a life with by that time. When I said sometimes to picking who you wants is because by the time of the age law if you're in a relationship already you are with that person" I replied. 

"Who did you want as the other person?" He asked.

"I don't know honestly. I was more focused on trying to do what I had to during that time. You know one day at a time. Love can wait for me" I answered.

"What's your job here?" He randomly asked.

"I go on missions" I answered. 

"Like what I will be doing?" He replied.

"Exactly what you'll be doing soon" I responded. 

"Do you like doing it?" He asked.

"Some days because when I'm out I can find things that I really like and bring back here" I answered. 

"Did your test tell you you'd be perfect for this job?" He replied.

"No but James fought for me to have it because I had a lot of anger inside of me towards those things" I responded. 

"So what were you suppose to be?" He asked.

"A lot of questions about me huh? We'll I was suppose to be a doctor" I answered. 

"I'm sorry I'm asking a lot of questions. I just wanted to get to know you" He replied. 

"Why is that?" I asked. 

"Because you're a cute girl and this place is amazing what you guys are doing here. Probably best to have someone I know to help me out here" He answered. I felt my cheeks turn red at his cute comment and I lightly smiled. 

"How's babysitting?" Joann asked as she said down in the main hall with her food.

"Joann enough" Derrick replied before I could.

"What it's funny that the princess has to do it" She said. 

"Enough Jo" Cassie replied.

"To answer you're question it's going great" I finally answered taking a bite out of one of the carrots. She rolled her eyes. They came in with Jared following behind them with a gun in his arms. 

"Does he ever sleep?" Cassie whispered. 

"His shift should be over soon" I said. They all sat down at another table with their food. Mark got up and went to grab them all drinks. He came back and put some in front of them. Ben looked over and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Oooh I think the princess is crushing" Joann said. I glared at her. I grabbed my fork and pointed it at her.

"Enough with the comments bitch" I replied.

"Sleep with an eye open hun" She responded. 

"Not like she doesn't already" Derrick said. I smiled at that comment. 

"Angelina Spencer wants to see you" Camille said coming in to take Jared's place. I nodded and got up from the table.

I walked into the office even though I shouldn't be out of that building but when the leader wants to see you you have to go. 

"S'up spence" I said sitting down across from him. 

"What you did was reckless today but you saved five others so you did a good job" He said smiling. I smiled back.

"James was right about you. You're smart and you know how to survive. After you get out of quarantine I want you to have a few days off until we need another mission. Relax and help the new group out with anything. I also want you to consider who you want to pick when you come of age. Get to know the people in your age group a bit. The faster you pop one out the faster you can go out again" He said. 

"I get to pick who I want?" I asked.

"Yes you do and don't be telling anyone about that either. You're one of the best ones we have and I think I owe it to James to look after you. He was my little brother after all" He answered. I nodded. 

"Now get out of here and back to your group" he said.

"Yes sir" I replied. I got up from the chair and walked back to the building.  

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