Chapter Twenty one

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My goodness! For the past three days, every moment had felt like a whirlwind, tossing me back and forth with an overwhelming effect. Gee! Since Chiké had confessed his ailment to me, it had been from one discovery to another. Nonetheless, the most shocking of all had been Harriet's and Chiké's uncle's acts of cruelty.

They were purely the most heartless of all people!

I had been motionless the entire time they admitted their misdeeds. And worst of all, it wasn't a nightmare, it was real!

I thought about the amount of suffering Chiké had endured; losing his parents and slowly losing his own life. I also couldn't believe he had been poisoned daily, for the past two years. So all the heart aches, the cough, the weakness of his entire body, the blood, unconsciousness, and near death had been caused by human beings, malicious enough to kill him just so they could take over what was never theirs in the first place. That was the absolute worst that could happen to anyone on earth!

After the FBI and other authorities had come and done further investigation, we were left alone. Well, Alexa had stayed for about an hour until her alarm reminding her to get back to work, chimed. She needed to secure a deal that all of them, including Chiké, had been working on for the past two weeks. However, as a result of his need for recovery, the job was placed in her care. Despite the people who betrayed Chiké, I was thankful for her. She was among the few persons Chiké could trust right now. Those were his words!

I spent the entire day with him, comforting him because I could clearly see the signs of depression heading his way. He had experienced a handful in his life. There were minutes in between that I'd hold his hands and pray for him. Other times we discussed anything and everything. Of course we steered clear of any topic that would make him over think. Over thinking was out of the question as it could disrupt his entire recovery and well being.

Day two, Rose stopped by with some fresh clothes and books for me along with a complaint from my boss that I had been taking my job with little zeal and that if care wasn't taken, I would be fired. Ugh! It was all too much to handle. Before she left, we sat down at the visitors' hall where I narrated all that transpired the day before. She was just as mesmerized as I was. She made a comment that she wished she had been present as she had never witnessed a crime/confession scene.

By lunch time after she had gone home, Chiké, through his driver, gave me his credit card to sneak out to get some real food, not the banal and tasteless hospital meal. His driver, Phillip, drove me around the nearest restaurant to get me food. On the way, I told him to take a detour, driving over to José Huncho's Restaurant where I got three servings of Hunchos with grilled beef sauce and salad toppings. Right after making sure I placed the receipt in the take home bags, I offered one bag to Phillip to show my gratitude for the ride. He was beyond thrilled!

Feeling fly and enthusiastic over the reaction I'd get from Chiké for the lunch I had gotten, I hopped mirthfully into the hospital, extra careful in hiding the contents of my bag from the staff. I walked into the room, raised my bag and screamed "Ta-da!" in complete exhilaration but all Chiké did was look at me with a frown. The speed and energy I used in lifting the bag was the same I used in putting it down.

I sagged further into the room and caught sight of a man, quite smallish in stature, of Asian heritage, all dressed in a wine coloured sweater, a pair of jeans and loafers. He too looked at me in a certain way. Disappointment, shame, disbelief? I couldn't fathom.

"Hey, I brought you lunch. Look, its Hunchos, your newest favourite food!" placing the bag in Chiké's face, I did the 'hmm, yummy' sound, while rubbing my belly. My expectation was cut short when he turned, facing the other side of the bed.

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