We could (Cassarian)

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Varian and Cass have been loving each other for a long long time ,but they never tell each other so until certain "suggestions" were told.

Varian:Wait a second there,Cassie ,There's someting I need to say I had been wating to tell since the day we meet.

Cass:You like me .Don't you?

Varian :Of course..wait you knew ?¡

Cass:Sort off.You are very -well endowed.

Varian :What?

Cass:In signs of showing love,dork .Besides ,what there is to say I would say yes...

Varian: Well ,We could be Something great ,we could write a love story for the centuries to come

Cass: Any example ? So I get what I 'm agreeing with 

Varian:Sure ,Cassie. There is this one on going steady ,just going step by step until the day we had our own children...

Cass: That's terrifying but sounds good I guess.Anything that includes a war?

Varian :Of course.We could go our separate ways today and in some time I might go and find you if there is a war.I wouldn't think twice.A fight for Corona would definitely need your talents, Cassie.

Cass:Sounds better .Not that cheesy and there's ac-battle involved....uhm I cannot think of anything really. I don't see a future with you ....

Varian :Not even behind some door?

Cass:Hey¡ Careful with that soldier.Uhm maybe we could still be dealing with those scums.You know what i'm talking about ?

Varian :Oh right ,Cassie .Either Sapporians trying to take over that kingdom or Zhan-that demon of hell coming back ..

Cassandra:Wonderful ....not really but better than something silly like we had a conection or something.

Varian :That could work you know? Maybe there is a cave involved in our reconciliation or maybe you almost got send to dead and we end up in jail and i would surprise you with how much i know about it ...

Cass:Or I could also leave today. I had an accident and you "cassually" became my savior or somehow we found ourselves at the Dark Kingdom in some kind of Redemption Citadel...

Varian :Great ideas though it would be totally coincidencial if I found you hurt...or maybe some new friends of yours would tell me but not you and them I would go and meet you once again .

 Yeah hope I don't get friends like that ...oh well maybe I will have them .Somehow Rapunzel seen interested in being my friend.Or maybe you could miss me ..

Vraian :I surely will.Maybe I will write some more poems and embrace blue flowers or heartache and maybe be a bit depresed ...

Cass:And I wouldn't know that but I could understand my feelings at last .

Vraian :And I will go on a quest life have gotten me into thought Dad or something about my mother...

Cass:Or you will give magic a chance when you find a wizard that will guide you to foreign lands.

Vraian :Don't think so, but if were the chance Imight try and get along 

Cass:With Royalty like here?

Vraian :Yeah thought not as much. I don't want some princess being crazy over me...I already got someoen on my heart ..

Cass:But you probably will and it would be a problem ...

Varian : I would always be faithful to you ,Cassie...

Cass:I was talking about that princess .She would do everything to keep us appart .

Varian :But nothing would work .WE would get to the engagement somehow and even married eventually .

Cass:Yeah but maybe she herself will raise some suspicions on me and I woud almost commit a crime like ki-

Varian :I hope if that ever happends someone would stop you-I would hate to lose you Cass

Cass:Yeah ..maybe someone a bit similar and yet diffrent of Raps may try and succeed  but eventually Iwould have to know the true and would do anything to get it.

Varian :Yeah even if I got somewhere not that safe.

Cass:Yeah you are so worth the trouble...especially if you are acting not like you ...

Varian :And maybe in the end we will resolve that and be the happy pair we could be..

Cass: Maybe we will ,Varian 

Varian :I would do everything to make you happy Cassie .

Cass: How could you when I didn't even write a letter to you when me and Raps ,Fitzerbert and those two were out there or maybe even before all that mess ...or maybe  even that could not change that I would thrown my llife away betraying Raps and all that stuff...

Varian:Sometimes i wish i could have been there ,but maybe I would have felt even worse because I couldn't help you even then...

Cass:I -I would have even worse nightmares ....but guess we cannot dwell on that .

Vrain :Not really ,but if something is really sure, Cassie.Whatever story we might write ..I would love each momment with you in it ,Cassie. 

Cass:Me too, I guess ...Anyway ,thank you .

Varian :For what?

Cass: For wanting to make me happy .I want the same for you hj?onestly ,Varian ..you have gone throught a lot.

Varian :You too,Cassie and of course I would want hapiness for the woman I love even if is not with me .

Cass:Don't dare to make me feel feelings, Varian¡ ..but you know that .I belive that's a bit silly of you..

Varian :What can be silly about-

And she kissed him in the lips .His first kiss...and he loved it so much he corresponded with intensity and they stood there kissing for quite a lovely time,expressing all the love they have for the other.

Because sure future was really an unknown endeaviour ,unknown in all ways, but it is worth making some big choices ,especially if they will made you feel the joy and love you as a human deserve to have. 

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