behind the mask( OTP'S theme )

27 3 22

 'I know who you are'

That's what they say

Do they really now?

Would they even care?

What of you don't like the me inside-

The me

Behind the mask

Behind this mask of eternal kindness and love and look deep down

So broken down and so mad

Would they leave?

Would they be let down?

Would they stay?"

"I would for you no matter whatever is behind the mask

I had seen cry and break and even then -I know I love you till the end

No matter how much hopeless it seems

I will stand by you

The you behind the mask

You let me be me .Don't judge me for it

People think I'm weird"

"Me too"

"But that fades away when i'm with you"

Both- "Because behind the mask there's a you i love no matter what

Because behind the mask even if I couldn't see it before

I know now there's you

There's you

And me

No matter what behind the mask may be

As long as is true and real what you feel for me

I will stand by you

The you behind the mask

* and they kiss*

These song is dedicated to all my OTPs (yes Cassarian and New dream too ;""3)

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