First tagged of my life

200 9 12

Got tagged by DTsabrina (don't worry you are awesome;) )
1.If you have the world's attention for thirty seconds ,what would you say?
I love tts mlp and many other cartoons and i am not ashamed of it ;)
2.What is the stupiest thingyou had ever done? Start a rumor about myself (don't ever do it)
3.Do you play sports or like any?
I am bad at sports but swimming is the only one i am good at ;).
4.what would be the absolute perfect day for you? One with no pressure of my family and school to had good grades (family) and choose a career(school).
5.Would you rather look like a potato of feel like that?
I already feel like one dear ;)
6.What makes you nervous?
Exams, expositions and day of giving grades also talking about my family or myself.
7.What are you hard on yourself about?
School grades and whenever i could hurt someone with my words(i'm nice usually but there are times were i could snap)
8.Do you have any pets?
I used to .He died almost two weeks ago and still not fully over it.
9.Are you religious?
I am not sure i supose so.Had been to a religios school for elementary school and catholic family ;)
10.What is your lucky number?
5 and 20 the firt no reason really and second is my birth day :)
11.How talk are you?
4'7 (Don't laugh please ;( )
12.What's your favorite hobbie?
Singing and listening to mus and of course writting ;)
13.Baths or showers ?
Showers anyday dear ;)
14.What think makes you unique from the rest?
I have been wondering that for a lifetime (maybe my kindness and patience?)
15. Tag 10 peps
Everyone who either ships cassarian or have watch tts.( Except you sabrina of course ;) )

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