Work call [Marco/Ace/Reader]

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Marco made a promise but wouldn't live through, so now both you and Ace found a fun why to busy yourself while teasing the blond endlessly.

NSFW, desk sex, video call, blowjobs, endless teasing, polyamory, one-shot, shameless smut


Living with two men who managed to capture my heart isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Both men can be excruciating stubborn and will do everything to outdo the other, doesn't matter if it's important or not. But, they do have a knack of being nice and caring, finding just the right things to do to keep me from going insane.

One of those things they like to do is to just plainly seduce me. Not that it takes a lot of effort to do this as I'm more than eager to let them have their way, but it's fun to see the new things they come up with.

Just like now, Marco is the responsible adult out of the three of us and is working diligently on something very important. I haven't paid a lot of attention as to what the blond is doing honestly, all I know is that he's in the middle of a meeting about a very important deal they want to close.

But the thing is, he said he was going to be free today. He told us that he took a day off so we could spend it together, but that's far from the truth. Sure, the company asked him earlier today if he could make some time and help with a meeting through a video call, but they said it would take only an hour, tops! We're slowly inching closer to two hours by now...

Which left me and Ace to do something else while Marco works at his desk, our tiny dining table. Due to renovations, our study has become a bit of a mess as we're still waiting for the new furniture to arrive along with some other supplies. The room was due for a makeover.

But that leaves the blond at the dining table, purposely facing the couch Ace and I sit on. The spot where I find myself half-naked and eagerly groped by the freckled male behind me, intent on making a whole show out of it for Marco. The raven-haired man had no trouble in starting our free day together, he was already half-hard when he arrived at the couch two hours ago.

In the span of Marco's meeting, Ace has been endlessly teasing me. The marks blossoming over my naked skin along with my weeping core are more than enough evidence for that.

I do wonder how Marco can keep such a collected face as he's facing us and clearly watching Ace's every grope, pinch and kiss. Tanned hands slide delicately over my sides until they reach my breasts, free from confines with nipples perked up as a result of lying naked on the couch for hours. Every bit of softness from before is lost as Ace massages my chest intensely, hell-bent on eliciting every tiny moan from me as I weakly whisper his name.

"Not yet [y/n], we gotta give Marco a first-rate show. I bet he's going to love it, watching you fall apart as I take you hard, unable to do anything behind that little screen of his." His warm breath sends shivers down my spine and a weak mewl resounds in the air.

I'm wearing nothing except my string and Ace made it a point to show this regally to Marco. His sole attention devoted on the small piece of cloth separating my moist lips from the slight chilling air. His tanned fingers slide over the wet patch on my front, one that remains ever growing with the freckled man's teasing touches.

"Ace," I moan, trying to keep my voice down so it wouldn't be overheard by Marco's colleagues "Stop teasing. I can't take it anymore."

"Soon princess, I want you to get Marco all hot and bothered first." His dick slips past the barrier of my soaked cloth. "Serves him right for bailing on us." Added with a bite to my neck.

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