(Un)Expecting [Marco/Ace]

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After that fight, this wasn't what Ace signed up for...


Alpha/Omega, unplanned pregnancy, a little cliché, Luffy to save the day, a little angst, a dash of horrible humor, Mpreg


Two months isn't a very long time. In all honesty, time flies by pretty fast and before you know yet another month has passed and you haven't done any of the things you set out for yourself to accomplish.

But, two months when pregnant is a lot. While there might not be a clear indication to his pregnancy, having to baby bump and all, he can still feel it. It might all be in his head because his abs still look rock-hard like nothing has changed, but still it feels like they are becoming softer, making way for the belly that's bound to come in a few weeks.

And with every day that passes, Ace hates it more. Yet at the same time he can't...

This child, this unknowing and innocent life, is proof of his love for a man he was willing to die for. He was so caring, so incredibly sweet, thoughtful of every small thing, mature in so many aspects Ace isn't, and not here...

A little over a month ago they broke up. It wasn't a nice breakup, but a serious fight. Harsh words were shoved to the other while they retaliated with even harsher accusations. Hateful things were said to one another and that's when it was decided to end it.

And while Ace is still hurting from their fight, he was ready to accept life without the man he had fallen hard for. That is, until he noticed a difference in his body along with a sickness he never felt before.

He kept blaming it on the fight, that it somehow had upset him more than he originally thought. But as the feeling of uneasiness stays and grows even worse with the passing time, Ace decided to visit the doctor's office—with a lot of convincing from Sabo and Luffy.

And that's when he got the news. Laughable even, being pregnant with his ex's child. It's like everything is mocking him. Finally when he found the man he thought he would stay with forever, whom he truly loved and who accepted Ace for who he was, and he loses that all with just a single fight.

"Ace, did you have an appointment this week or next?" Sabo peeks his head into Ace's room and immediately breaks his looming thoughts. Which is for the better, he shouldn't get too worked up because that's bad for the baby.

Ace shakes his head, trying to lose his quelling thoughts before facing his brother. The blond is nicely dressed—when is he not—and looks like he's about to leave for work.

"Next week, I wrote it on the calendar." Ace responds back, watching his brother walk into the room.

Sabo nods, looking a bit contemplative as his brow furrow in thought. "I see." He drawls a bit and Ace wonders what is going on. "Luffy accidentally ripped the calendar so we need a new one. But I'll try and get out of work for next week then, shouldn't be a problem."

"What did Luffy do this time?" Ace sighs tiredly, figuring the earlier thuds he heard came from his little brother causing mischief.

"Not sure." Sabo laughs as he moves to the mirror in Ace's room, fastening his tie. "Something with food, short attention span and a dog?" The blond shakes his head, smiling fondly at the image in his mind.

Yet Ace's attention is on the tie in his brother's hand. Picturing a certain blond who wears ties with the same effortlessness as his blond brother. He shakes his head, blaming his pregnancy brain for remembering Marco in every little thing he sees. Damn hormones.

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