Undying [Marco/Ace]

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He heard of the stories but never thought they were true. After all, who would believe those fairytales about vampires going out and killing people. Seems that Ace got it wrong, very wrong...

NSFW, angst, vampire AU, blood, sexual tension, just hot vampire stuff


It had been an excruciating long day at college. Stupidly long classes with annoying assignments being thrown their way. Idiot classmates squealing through the classroom like pigs in a pigsty. Grumpy teachers giving them death glares as they couldn't get the rowdy adolescents in control.

All in all, a horrible day and Ace is more than happy it's finally over.

Unfortunately, before he could make his way back home—to ditch his heavy backpack and put on some comfy wear instead of the more formal clothes needed for public places such as school—Ace got a call from his brother. Something about Luffy being an idiot once again and gotten himself in trouble with one of the teachers at his school. In Ace's opinion the teacher in question isn't exactly world's greatest teacher, Mr. Don Quixote has a bit of an... odd way of teaching. So whatever Luffy has done probably isn't that bad, but as Luffy's older brothers, both Sabo and he need to reprimand the boy.

Anyway, that phone call is the reason to why Ace is walking to the nearest store instead of going home. Sabo had said that it might take some time to get Luffy back considering there are some forms that need to be filled in and they need to have a civil talk with the man—his blond brother sounded seething on the other end of the line so Ace can only imagine how that conversation will end. And now that Ace bought his instant ramen as he's too tired to bother and cook, he's making his way back home.

He could take the long way home but since Ace is more than a little done with today, he decides on taking a shortcut through the alley. As a plus, it effectively cuts the usual traffic jam on the sidewalk as people are done with school or work, meaning he doesn't need to shove his way through a horde of men with a tired body and heavy backpack. The alley might be dark and a little creepy but that does very little to deter his will to just get home and be done with this god awful day.

There are rumors about these alleys though. They say that people, humans in specific, should stay clear from dark alleys or other places that might attract the wrong sort of people. The wrong sort of creatures might also be said by those hardcore conspiracists. But truth to be told, there have been quite some missing persons reports saying that they just vanished into thin air, only to be found dead a few days later, their limp body drained from everything it had before tossed in every other garbage dump they could find.

It's the reason why people keep speculating about what might be the cause, thinking that it's the work of other worldly being, like vampires or werewolves. However, there is no real evidence and there is also no one to question about the strange occurrences, seeing as the only thing they manage to find are the lifeless bodies of the death victims.

And since the majority of the population is scared shitless of these weird incidents, the government put op several videos and informational texts that explain how the protect yourself and others. You would think that they would do something about the shady parts of the city, like put lanterns in the alleys or something, but no. Apparently they wish to spend our tax money on informational and inspiring posters instead of actually making it a safer place to life. Yay democracy...

Ace isn't very interested in any of those conspiracies, it's probably some serial killer or something. He's strong, so Ace can take whoever wishes to attack him. Though the prospect of meeting a vampire would be kind of dope. The last few days Ace and his brothers spend a lot of time watching bad movies and most of those include vampire movies. Got him thinking about a lot of stuff and now he's wondering how much it would hurt if he were to get bitten by one—and if it will turn him on like in that weird, semi pornographic movie they had to stop watching because Luffy isn't ready for stuff like that. Note to self; read movie descriptions before watching with younger brother.

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