Royal [Marco/Ace]

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With the arrival of unknown guests and promise for an arranged marriage; Marco finds who he truly loves, along with something else.


Middle ages AU, slight angst, arranged marriage, implied homophobia, sassy Whitebeard, forbidden love (sort of)


"Prince Marco?"

The questioning voice is from one of the castle's staff. Marco turns to him, placing down his quill in the process. He had been working on several ideas that the kingdom might benefit from, and to make sure he wouldn't forget about any of his ideas, he decided to write them down. Well, as much as possible before he got interrupted.

Not that is matters a lot to Marco honestly. He might be a Prince, next in line to lead the kingdom of Sphinx, but that doesn't mean he acts better than those below him.

"How many times to I need to tell you, yoi." The servant slightly stiffens his serious tone. "Just call me Marco, you don't need to use formalities with me Ace."

The servant, Ace, is a young boy somewhere in his early twenties. Supporting small, dark freckles on his face that is framed by his dark locks that lie unruly on his head. He's a total difference from most of the staff they have here at castle Moby, but Marco doesn't mind. It's refreshing to have such a young force in their castle to brighten things up, he spreads joy and laughter to those around him.

'Saved from poverty and given a home'. That's what the nobles of the kingdom say whenever they see Ace or any of the other staff that work and live at the castle. The reigning King, Edward Newgate, is known for taking bastards and peasants from the streets, providing them with a home if they are willing to work.

Some say he's a slave driver, forcing the weaker to work under him, but that's far from the truth. Because in all honesty, King Edward wants nothing but the best for his people, that includes those that work as staff in the castle. Those that he find are without a home and on the brink of becoming criminals, he provides them with a place to call home and gives them a purpose. Those that come to work at castle Moby aren't here to be treated as slaves, they are given opportunities to grow into the world and make something of themselves.

Ace used to be one of those beings, growing up without parents and raised by bandits. King Edward had found him when the boy tried to steal from him, something that didn't end successful as the older man noticed. Marco remembers exactly what his father told him about the boy when he brought him back to the castle.

"He's a sweet kid, just a little lost on reality. Be kind to him and show him the ropes, I'm sure we'll all come to love that fiery brat."

His father couldn't be more right; Ace is a beacon of light in their lives. While he might have his episodes from time to time and has serious anger issues, he will always bring a smile to those around him. Something that Marco adores about the boy who acts fidgety around him.

"Prince, your bath's ready. Prince Izo told me to come and fetch you." Ace explains as politely as possible, however his voice betrays him.

Despite the training he received, talking properly is still a bit of a struggle. He tries his hardest, but you can always hear a bit of a strain on his voice when he does. Not that it bothers Marco in any way, if only it gives the boy more character. It adds to his unruly hair and bash personality. For Marco, that's what makes Ace, Ace.

"Thank you Ace." He decides not to mention anything about the part where Ace refuses to call him by name, clinging onto the title for some reason.

Slowly Marco gathers his things, placing them in a safe spot so he can work on them later. As he's done and his desk is free of any papers, he walks towards the door where Ace remained, unmoving and watching his every move with interest.

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