Chapter 1

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Nothing but black, that's all that Kestrel could see.

Blood & pain flooded the rest of her senses

Some thing was weird though, Kestrel could have sworn that it was raining just a second ago. She also felt no blood on the ground below her, there should definitely  be blood, but then again, she should also be dead, after all, she was just stabbed through the heart with a sandwing tail. So why wasn't she? 

"It worked! I can't believe it actually worked!" That voice... it sounded vaguely like Sunny when one of her made up combat moves worked during training, except maybe when she was 2 or 3...

Kestrel opened her eyes to see two blobs, one gold & around the size of a 2 year old dragonet, the other orange & around the size of a 4 year old.

"S-Sunny?" Her usually menacing voice came out a croak, making it sound as if she hadn't spoken in a decade.

"No, silly. That's my mama, I'm Sandy!" the golden blob that kinda sounded like Sunny spoke.

"Mama? But she's only 6!?" Kestrel could now see the dragonets before her more easily, & she could see that the golden one had icy blue eyes, instead of Sunny's green ones.

"Nooo..." The golden dragonet raised an eyebrow, "Mama's 19, not 6"

"Wwaaiitt... how long has it been!? Have the dragonets stopped the war yet!?"

"The war was ended 11 years ago" The orange one, who she could now see had amber eyes (strikingly like her own) that were covered by copper framed glasses informed her.

"I'll go tell Mama that you brought a dragon back from the dead & she says that she knows her", suggested Sandy, flying off to the east

"You brought me back from the dead?" Kestrel questioned the remaining dragonet.

"Y-yeah, I'm more powerful than most animus."

"Hmm, did anyone ever figure out why Sunny looks weird?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah! Mama's half nightwing! Her papa was an animus nightwing! That's why I'm an animus!"

"Huh, well that's one explanation for the black in weird places, & the barbless tail too, I guess..." Kestrel wasn't REALY surprised, she suspected that Sunny was some kind of hybrid, " Oh, what about Starflight's powers? Any idea why he doesn't have them?"


"Starflight? Y'know, the nightwing? Nerdy, scrollworm, the smart one!?" Kestrel was getting worried now.

"Oh, you mean he was one of the dragons Mama grew up with? Yeah, Mama doesn't talk about the past very much, we know that she was part of this big 'prophecy'"- he air quoted prophecy, which confused Kestrel-"with a few other dragons, but they all lost touch after Mama & Papa got married, & moved out to the smallest island in the Sea of a Thousand Scales."

"Oh" Kestrel turned in the direction Sandy had flown in to see a small golden fleck in the distance, leading a bigger golden spot & a pale orange dot that was slightly bigger than the second gold one.

As the dragons drew closer, Kestrel recognized Sunny. The orange dragon, who she assumed was her husband, looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.

"Kestrel!?" Sunny shrieked, "but Tsunami said that you were dead!"

A look of terror& recognition crossed orange dragon's face, "Sun, you know this dragon!?" his voice shook with terror.


"T-that's the dragon who threw me in the river when I was a dragonet!" At that second it hit her, this dragon was her son.


Hope you liked it!

Bye until I write again my kitties!

~ <3 Shady

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