Chapter 5

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Kestrel was picking tomatoes in the garden behind the hut when she heard a splash & panting. When she turned around, she saw a dragonet who sort of reminded her of Webs.

"Hey kid, watcha doin all the way out here?" Kestrel questioned.

"Oh, *gasp* hey, I didn't know anyone lived out here," the greenish blue dragon answered, "& to answer your question, my grandmother sent me out here to gather pearls for my stupid sister's new tiara."

"Why would your sister need a tiara?"

"Oh, my grandmother is Queen Coral," the dragonet informed Kestrel of this as if it was the most boring fact in the world.

"I actually raised one of Coral's daughters."

"Oh, so that would make you... Kestrel, right?" Kestrel nodded, "Yeah... Mother really hates you."

"So what's your name?" Kestrel questioned.


"So... why are you out here looking for pearls?"

"Oh... Grandmother wanted a special kind of pearl to surprise Pearl for our birthday."


"Oh yeah, me, Pearl, & our sister Hurricane are triplets!"

"Ok, now I'm curious, who has the pure guts to marry Tsunami ?"

"Riptide. His father is Webs."

"So that's why you look so much like Webs."


"Ebb! Where on Pyria did my mother send you!?" A familiar voice came from the ocean, along with a series of flashes, "Wait... Kestrel!?"

Kestrel turned to see the familiar blue dragon, "Hello Tsunami, it's good to see you again."


Bye until I write again my kitties!

~<3 Shady 

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