Chapter 4

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Kestrel awoke to frantic knocking on the door of the small room she was staying in. 

"Who's there!?" She yelled at the door, angry that someone had woken her up.

"Gramma! I had a bad dream!" Sandy's frightened voice came from the other side of the door.

"*sigh* come here, kid." The door burst open & a golden blur came dashing in door, the sound of tiny footsteps filled the small room. Kestrel lifted her large wing & felt the small, quivering form of her favorite granddaughter snuggling against her side.


"Yeah San?"

"Do I have any other family? That's alive at least?"

"Y'know, I'm not entirely sure. I know that you at least had-I'm not sure if she's alive-an aunt-your father's twin sister, Peril. She has too much fire instead of too little, like your dad."

"Whoa! What about grandpa!?"

"I... don't really remember  your Grandpa that much, we only had Sky & Peril because of a breeding program set up by the queen to increase population."

"Oh... ok!"

After a few minutes of them talking, Sandy said, "Gramma? Will you read me a story?"

"*sigh* Ok, kid go get a scroll." Sandy rushed out of the room & came back carrying a scroll almost as big as herself.

"The Princess of the Cloudwings! My favorite story ever!"

"*sigh*" Kestrel thought back to when the dragonets were young & Starflight would read this exact story to Sunny every night before bed, "Alright, c'mere."

~>A little later<~

"'Oh no!' Said the princess, 'Not the-'" Kestrel stopped reading when she heard tiny snores beside her. She looked & saw Sandy curled beside her, sleeping peacefully, "*sigh* 'Night, kid."

Kestrel curled carefully around her granddaughter's small body & fell asleep next to her favorite dragon in the whole world.


Hope you liked it!

Bye until I write again my kitties!

~<3 Shady

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