Chapter 2

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"I-I can explain!" Kestrel tried not to freak out that her son was alive, "I-I- *sigh* when you and our sister, Peril hatched, I was supposed to kill you both, but I tried to save you. I hid you in the hatching cave, hoping that no one would find you, while I tried to figure out how to move your sister, a dragonet that burns everything she touches. I don't know who, but someone found out and tipped off Queen Scarlet, she came to our cave with 2 of her best guards to kill you, but instead she told me to only kill one of you, so I took you both to the river, & threw you in, hoping that you would get caught on a bush & I could get away with Peril, & then fly downriver to find you. But I guess someone else found you before I did, & I thought you had drowned."

"Y-you mean y-you're my mom!?" Her son screamed.

"Yes, can I ask what your name is?"

"I know it's kinda a stupid name for a skywing, but I was found & raised by a hu- scavenger who named me Sky."

"*scoff* A scavenger raised you?"

"Yeah! Her name is Wren!"

 "*sigh* Well I guess she did a decent job for a scavenger." She smiled weakly at him.

Sunny & Sky helped Kestrel to the small island they call home. It turns out that the prophecy was fake, & only one nightwing that they know of actually has powers. They told her that she would be staying in the small hut beside theirs. 

"Mom," Sky said, "these are our dragonets, Perfume, Heron, Mesa, & Sandy, & our eggs Falcon & Quail."

It turned out that Heron was an adopted mud-sky hybrid who was a nofire, like Sky. 

Kestrel decided that she would help out around the island in exchange for a place to stay.


Sorry it got kinda lazy towards the end, I just wasn't sure how to end it.

Bye until I write again my kitties!

~ <3 Shady

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