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"Easy," Wei Ying said when he stepped out of the carriage. He caught him when he wobbled. "You're still wounded."

Xichen bit back a retort, his mind too focused on seeing Wangji and his Shufu.

He pushed open the gates, half stumbling towards the door.

Shufu was waiting for him, a cup of hot tea steaming at the table.

"Xichen." The relief in his eyes was palpable when Xichen let himself in, near trembling with delight from being home.

"Welcome home, Zewu Jun." Wen Qing appeared from the kitchen, her expression kind. "Wei Wuxian." She nodded in the direction of Xichen's companion.

"Aiya, Wen Qing. Haven't you missed me?" Wei Ying danced around the dining table, practically flinging himself at her. Wen Qing sidestepped him easily, leaving her brother in the warpath.

"How is Wangji?" Xichen asked, taking a sip of his tea. His back still ached and he was certain the healer would want him to rest more but he did not think he could wait a moment longer to see his brother.

Wen Qing's face tightened, just as Shufu reached out a hand and patted his arm.

"He's not well," she said. "He would barely eat when you were gone."

A bolt of worry shot through Xichen. He set down his cup, rising to his feet.

"Where is he?"

"In the gardens."

Xichen did not run but it was a very close thing. His back ached and twitched underneath all the bandages as he entered the garden, his heart pounding. If anything had happened to Wangji-.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted him. Wangji sat in a patch of sun, his head pillowed on his arm. He was asleep, an open book in his lap. There were two stalks of gentians in his free hand, green sap staining his skin.

Xichen smiled to himself, setting a hand onto Wangji's shoulder.

"Xiongzhang?" Wangji said blearily. His eyes fluttered open and focused.

"I'm here," Xichen said, leaning down. He wrapped his brother up, ignoring the pain that flashed through him when Wangji hugged him tight, face buried into his chest.

Wangji had lost weight, practically skin and bones in his arms. Xichen rested his chin atop Wangji's head, stroking fingers through his hair.

"I'm home," he murmured. "And I'm not leaving again."

Wangji shifted stiffly. His expression twitched and a look of wonder filled his face. Something ugly twisted in Xichen's chest.

"Wei Ying?"

Xichen's jaw worked as he stepped aside, allowing Wei Wuxian to get closer. He too, had a stunned look on his face.

"Lan Zhan."

"You should go," Xichen said quickly. "Nie Mingjue is expecting you."

"No." Wei Ying cast him a look, sidestepping him. He dropped into a crouch, taking Wangji's hand. "Lan Zhan."

Xichen gritted his teeth. The last thing he wanted was for Wei Wuxian to take Wangji away, on some pretext that there was a better healer in Qinghe. He promised his brother he would never leave him, and he certainly was not about to allow Wei Wuxian to break his promise.

"Wangji. It's time for dinner," he snapped, "Wen Qing said you haven't been eating."

"Mn." Wangji had the gall to look guilty, though his expression barely shifted. "Missed Xiongzhang's cooking."

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