24 | Without You

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You fell, and it felt like everything had been unbalanced, the wind was too fast, there was a harsh ringing in your ears, and the top of the tower got further and further away. Your hands flapped uselessly in front of you, as you spiralled back first towards the ground.

You hadn't intended to make any noise, but a terror-induced scream left your throat, as the air was knocked right out of your lungs, and you plummeted mercilessly; all control left your body, leaving you defenseless to the laws of physics.

Would... Lucinda be happy now?

Below, you could hear the shouts of the citizens as you continued your descent downwards. You almost thought you heard Adrien scream your name, but that wasn't possible. He was, in fact, not here.

He probably didn't even care; you'd been absolutely awful to him only 10 minutes ago, if anything he was probably glad you were about to die. He was probably watching you fall to your death on television, and your parents probably were too.

That thought made you even more hysterical, as you silently cried. A sob escaped your mouth, as you closed your eyes again, and waited for the inevitable pain, and stinging death that was soon to come.

But it didn't.

Something brushed your outstretched hand, and in confusion, you opened your eyes again, only to see Lucinda, touching your fingers. At that moment, you stopped falling, and was stationary in the air, floating, by her magic.

She smiled at you weakly, before dropping past you, falling just as you had done previously.

You turned around, horrified, no words coming out of your mouth, as you watched her go, her flying now bestowed upon you instead of her, leaving her to die.

"Lucinda!" you screamed, trying frantically to go after her, but was unable to properly fly, leaving you to hang there in desperation.

No, no, no, no, no, make it stop, fuck, no please, not her—!

A blur of red and black sped below, and the breath was knocked out of you, as a set of arms wrapped around your waist, and whisked you away.

You screamed in surprise, before the mystery person handed back on the tower, this time at a balcony. However, you were still affected by the magic, so you stayed hovering above the floor, once they let you go.

You turned around, to find Chat Noir, his back turned to you, retracting his baton. "C-Chat—" you stuttered, hesitantly reaching out to him, but you didn't get the chance.

He promptly whipped around, and pulled you into a hug. His head laid on your shoulder, since you were still floating, and his arms wrapped firmly around you, almost keeping you from flying away.

You blinked, staring down at the top of his head in shock. "... sorry," you eventually spoke softly, also placing your arms around him.

"Don't you ever do that again," he scolded, his voice muffled. "You could've died!"

"I... I know," you replied shakily.

The realisation hit you full force. If you had hit the ground, you would've been dead. Your parents would have lost their second child. Your friends would've never seen you again. You would no longer be here, in the comfort of your favourite superhero's embrace, in fact, you would've never had any type of comfort again.

Uptown, Downtown (Chat Noir x Reader) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now