Part 1 - New Beginnings

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"I see you're still here," Childe whispered as he peeked over the highest point of Guyun Stone Forest; he saw Zhongli's form standing on the very edge, perfectly still, the sun setting in the distance illuminating his body. Zhongli chose not to respond, and only slightly turned his head to look at Childe climbing onto the peak.

"The traveller told me you'd be here. I hope... I'm not intruding on your deep thinking," Childe continued, standing awkwardly next to Zhongli, trying his best not to fall off. He wondered how Zhongli managed to keep so still, so balanced, and so perfectly composed.

"It is fine, Childe. I'm doing some thinking," Zhongli stated in his usual, monotonous tone, looking at the ginger man beside him, "busy day?"

"My younger brother came to visit," Childe said in a mixed tone, not sure if he was happy or sad, "it was definitely interesting."

"Family is a tricky thing, I've come to notice," Zhongli stated, once again looking out over the horizon, "I've never tried it." Childe laughed slightly.

"You don't 'try' family, Zhongli," Childe giggled, looking at Zhongli; his face was stern, even more so than usual, and suddenly Childe realised the man was 100% serious, "oh. I see what you mean."

The sun in front of them creeped over the water, the clouds hanging low in the sky turning a beautiful violet, mixed with tones of yellow and orange. The spears of rock beneath them turned dark, with only the geo crystalflies suspended in the air giving a very subtle lighting. The breeze was only gently blowing, Zhongli's long, slick ponytail swaying slightly from side to side, in perfect rhythm with Childe's scarf.

"I wonder if I could ever have that... a family. But where do I start, a retired Archon wandering this land alone. How do I live a human life?" Zhongli muttered, his words almost lost to the vast, cerulean sea before him. Everything around them went still suddenly, the breeze stopping suddenly and the ocean coming to rest. Childe looked over at the man beside him, and for the first time since meeting the parlour consultant, he seemed to notice a glimmer of sadness in his usually stern, stoic eyes. No, Childe thought, not sadness. It was a look of longing, of yearning, of a desire stronger than any material item he could possibly possess.

"Zhongli..." Childe sighed, his voice hushed and quivering slightly; hesitantly, he placed his hand on his companion's shoulder, and to his surprise, he didn't recoil, "I had no idea you felt that way." Zhongli simply exhaled sharply, but did not remove Childe's hand from his body.

"I believe I need to do some thinking- yes, I need to think about my future and evaluate my status as a mortal human. I am not the great Morax, Archon of Geo that I used to be, no, not anymore... for now, I am but a simple funeral director," the man mused, almost to himself but still aware of the Harbinger beside him.

"Zhongli," Childe said simply, almost ready to phrase his next statement, but still partly waiting for Zhongli's approval to speak.

"Yes, Childe?"

"I want to help you. I want to help you live like a human...and have a family, even if for the moment, it was just me. We can make it a contract; I can stay in Liyue so long as I can help you. I swear to be your friend as long as it takes," Childe spoke, his words rushed, almost not fully true. The reality was, Childe had no other reason to stay in Liyue; the Geo Archon's gnosis was in the possession of the Fatui now, La Signora already on her way to deliver it to the Tsaritsa. His family too all anticipated his return to his family home in Snezhnaya, and the traveller who he had grown to befriend was already planning their trip to Inazuma, in search of the Electro Archon Baal. Truthfully, he had nothing to stay in Liyue for, all except the man he has become so fond of standing next to him, looking over past the sea upon unknown horizons.

"I agree to your contract," Zhongli said after a very awkward and silent minute passed, "but I still need some time to ponder. You should go home, Childe, you mentioned that you had a busy day. I'll meet you for breakfast if your schedule allows for it."

"No. Let me stay. It can be the first part of our contract, spending more time together," Childe objected, pulling his hand off Zhongli's shoulder and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I shall not stop you," Zhongli replied simply, finally peeling his gaze off the horizon and looking at Childe beside him, "should you become tired, feel free to return home."

Childe smiled a knowing, patient smile, locking eyes with Zhongli; and, for the first time in a long time, Zhongli smiled back.


Childe didn't leave Zhongli's side that night; even when the two decided to finally descend down the peak at Guyun, they kept close. The streets of Liyue were empty at the time they arrived back in the Harbour, the usual buzz of tourists and merchants amongst sailors and members of the Millileth no longer present. Everything was silent and dark, the usual golden glow from the Jade Chamber no longer providing light over the city of contracts and all lanterns that usually lined the city pathways extinguished.

It was so surreal, Childe noted, roaming around the city at 3 in the morning with the tall gentleman beside him; even with all the room around them, they walked shoulder against shoulder as they usually do when attending their weekly afternoon dinner (which Childe realised, as they strolled, was scheduled in two days). Zhongli's breathing, as usual, was slow and drawn out and so perfectly rhythmic, as Childe had grown accustomed to it; and, for the first time since arriving in Liyue many months prior he somehow felt at home.

They parted ways as they usually do at the fountain near Wanmin Restaurant, with Zhongli heading back to his house beside the funeral parlour and Childe returning to his apartment above Northland Bank. As Childe fell back onto his bed, which in itself created an otherworldly creak, he remembered how Zhongli had smiled at him earlier, for the first time letting his real emotions present themselves; he wanted to see that more often, and as he fell asleep, he had noted - Operation : Make Zhongli Smile Forever.

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