Part 2 - Breakfasts, same as always

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The next morning he awoke to the loud knocking on the door to his little studio apartment situated above the bank; he couldn't tell what time it was, the curtains in his room pulled shut and still donning last night's clothes, not a single beam of light anywhere to be seen. With a deep grunt, he pulled himself off the bed, moving his hand through his scruffy, ginger hair. Memories of the night before flooded back to him slowly; Zhongli, the mountain, family, Zhongli, their contract, the walk home, Zhongli, Zhongli, Zhongli.

With a light step, Childe made his way out of the messy room and swiftly moved to the front door, only to open it to one of the bank workers.

"You have a guest, Master Childe. He seems important," the agent said, head bowed in respect for her superior. Childe was barely awake enough to process the information, but Fatui business was Fatui business and he had to leave his humble abode to greet his guest.

As he descended down the stairs, he noticed Zhongli standing in the middle of the main room, looking over all of the various art Childe had imported from his homeland. And then it hit him - Zhongli had suggested breakfast at some point or another during their talk last night, and unfortunately for the funeral consultant waiting in the foyer, Childe had completely forgotten.

Nevertheless, Childe drew a deep breath and walked over to where Zhongli was standing. Surely, he thought, this must be a strange sight to look upon; Zhongli, dressed smartly, his long, amber coloured overcoat perfectly straight and complete wrinkle free, standing next to the dishevelled man, jacket crinkled and hair completely unkempt, scarf askew and his mask lost somewhere in his hair.

"Good morning Childe," Zhongli said, looking over as Childe edged closer to him, "are you ready for breakfast?"

"Oh God, Zhongli, I completely forgot. I should be able to go, bank business seems rather slow at the moment. Wanmin?" Childe answered, looking at the various workers moving around the room in gracious harmony.

"That was my plan but..." Zhongli started, looking at Childe up and down, "you're not in condition to walk around Liyue looking like that. Say, let's fix you up. You can visit my house, I should be able to get something that fits you."

"Just come upstairs," Childe blurted out suddenly, shocked by his own words as soon as they left his rough, pale lips, "it's surely more convenient if you just visit my apartment."

Not a soul (not living, anyway) had ever been inside Childe's apartment; sure, many people visit, but never has one dared step foot past the front door - and to think that Zhongli, the very man he had watched get stripped of his Gnosis just a few weeks prior in the very same building would be the first surprised Childe down to his very core.

"Are you sure? You're usually rather secretive about your living quarters," Zhongli mused, even though he was already being escorted upstairs by Childe.

"It can just be... part of our contract. Seeing as I'm helping you, surely you can come visit me once in a while. It's not a big apartment or anything but... it's nice," Childe rambled as he entered the apartment, leading Zhongli in cautiously.

"Surely Childe, couldn't you afford a larger house?" Zhongli thought only half to himself, looking around what was Childe's combination living/kitchen/dining room. Each nook and every cranny in the room was filled (albeit neatly); little potted plants lined the shelves, several framed pictures (taken on the Traveller's 'Kamera') hung up in seemingly random spots, the occasional book stuffed in between the clutter.

"I could, you would be correct. But here I'm close to work and I don't have to pay for living here. Much simpler than having to look around to rent or buy," Childe laughed, taking off his jacket and throwing it in a small, white wicker laundry basket in the corner of the living room; off a small hook by the door to his bedroom, he pulled a red short sleeved shirt off and hesitantly looked over at Zhongli.

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