Part 22 - Operation: Success

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"Are you sending that crate anytime soon?" Zhongli asked, pointing to the large box currently taking residence on the table in the kitchen, sipping on some tea whilst Childe cooked their breakfast; the Harbinger, dressed in just a brightly patterned apron over his underwear, glanced behind his shoulder and then at the calendar on the wall.

"Two days. I still need to write the letter to go along with it," Childe stated, returning his focus to the pan in front of him, "should I tell them about our engagement?" Zhongli dropped a kiss on his cheek, placing his tea down before wrapping his hands around Childe's waist, slipping them under the apron.

"Your choice, Ajax," Zhongli breathed into Childe's neck, dropping small pecks upon it's nape, "I'd like to meet them though. They seem lovely from what you've told me." The Archon placed a particularly powerful kiss just between his shoulder blades, causing Childe to giggle a little.

"Zhongli!" Childe laughed, scooping some freshly scrambled eggs onto plates, "you're clingy."

"And you're sappy," Zhongli shot back, turning Childe around in his grasp, "call it even?" Childe gave Zhongli a short kiss.

"Equivalent exchange, my friend," the Harbinger smiled, hands backwards perched against the counter; his left hand touched the edge of a plate, "let's eat and write that letter, shall we?"

'Dearest Tonia, ' Childe wrote, pen in hand as he scrawled words under the subtle candle light of the living room lights, breakfast plates stacked in the corner; Zhongli leaned against him, one hand holding his cup of tea, while the other caressed the Harbinger's hair gently as he composed his letter.

"I think you should address it to your whole family," Zhongli suggested before Childe could start the next line; he only smiled in response, pressing his pen down once again.

' -and family, I hope all is well back at home in Morepesok. Have the winters been treating you well as of late? Is everyone healthy and well? I'll be visiting soon, I promise.'

Childe lifted the pen off the paper again, tapping his chin with it's end; Zhongli peeked over the Harbinger's shoulder to see what was written.

"I don't know how to break the news," Childe sighed, placing the pen down to the paper again, only to lift it in the air immediately, slumping his head into Zhongli's hand.

"Just write what comes natural, we have time. The boat's departing in two days, yes?" Zhongli spoke calmly, tugging incredibly gently at the ginger locks between his fingers, much to Childe's enjoyment; the Harbinger simply nodded, his attention shifting to the paper yet again.

' I have great news for you all; I'm engaged! I'm sure this isn't news you expected to come, well, ever. We'll be sure to visit Snezhnaya after the celebrations.'

"Are you not going to mention me?" Zhongli chuckled with a playful pout, still moving his fingers through Childe's hair, tangling and untangling the individual strands.

"Of course I will! How about we provide a photograph too, I'll ask Aether for the Kamera again," Childe suggested, eyes flicking to the framed photos on the mantelpiece, some that he bought from his own apartment, and some newer ones of him and Zhongli in more recent time.

' He's a Liyuen called Zhongli; I'll send with this letter a Kamera photo of us together in the Harbour. I'm sure all of you at home will love him once you meet him; he's so kind and knowledgeable in all sorts of things, so you'll definitely have a great time together.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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