Part 13 - Hu Tao is a nightmare (but we all love her anyway)

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The sun finally set over the horizon, leaving the lantern light to illuminate the darkest parts of the ship; it was a different kind of beauty, Childe thought, the cool glow of candles falling irregularly at the visitors of the Galley. After they finished eating and an opera show later, many of the tables vacated as some visitors filtered into the main body of the boat, while others took to the empty bow to dance as subtle music filled the air.

Childe was about to ask Zhongli to join him in a dance again, but was stopped by the Archon himself as he reached into his pocket; after rummaging for a minute, he pulled out a small key and slid it over the table in Childe's direction. It was a small and bronze little thing kept in perfect condition; a small blue jewel, which Childe realised upon closer inspection was a high clarity noctilucous jade, hung from the small keyring the key hung from.

"It's to our house," Zhongli stated, even though Childe could've guessed it himself. Childe flicked the jewel a little, "and that jewel matches my own. Mine is cor lapis though, but carved in the same way." As if on queue, Zhongli pulled out his own key and flicked it in the air a little, showcasing the piece of carved cor lapis.

"Ah, so like our elements, yes?" Childe chuckled, attaching the key to his already full keyring.

"That would be correct," the Archon mused, placing his key back in his pocket, "was there something you wanted? I feel as though I interrupted you." Childe chuckled because of course Zhongli could tell these things.

"Would you like to continue our dance? Venti isn't here to ruin the fun this time," Childe asked, a subtle blush on his cheeks; he hoped Zhongli couldn't see it. With a quiet nod, Zhongli pulled Childe out of his chair, wood screeching against wood slightly (thankfully, no one else seemed to notice). They walked slowly towards the bow and fumbled into position.

"Should we try another way?" Zhongli asked, placing a hand on Childe's waist, "perhaps something more formal." In response, the Archon grabbed Childe's hand and placed it on his own shoulder; his other hand intertwined with Childe's. Zhongli gently swayed them side to side in tune with the music.

"You seem to be a good dancer," Childe remarked after a minute after Zhongli twirled him gently.

"Six thousand years of experience adds up," Zhongli smiled, leaning slightly closer to allow Childe to rest his head on his shoulder. Childe hummed out slightly in agreement.

"I want to stay like this forever," the Harbinger whispered, only half to himself.

"But nothing lasts forever, Childe," Zhongli sighed, resting his head on top of Childe's; the man under him pulled back.

"Then be my nothing," Childe muttered, unweaving his hand from Zhongli's and linking them behind the Archon's neck.

"I'm not sure I understand," Zhongli stated, placing his hands on Childe's back; the Snezhnayan only chuckled and dropped his head down again.

"One day you will. Promise," he mumbled into Zhongli's neck as they continued swaying side to side. The music stopped a few minutes after their conversation, prompting them to return to their table. Childe dropped some mora next to their dishes as payment before the two decided to board the boat to take them back to the Harbour.

The Harbour was completely quiet again, just as it was the day the two men settled their contract; they walked hand in hand still, seemingly unaware how much it meant to the other. Childe noticed the blush on Zhongli's face but chose to ignore it; perhaps it was just the air outside, the heated atmosphere of the boat, he had thought, rather than their fingers interlocked at their sides. This was definitely not the direction Childe thought their contract would take them.

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