𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 |𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 067 x 𝐲𝗼𝐮|

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Y/N is one of the workers who is helping in the red light, green light game.  Player 067 ends up tripping when she is just seconds away from the finish line but you end up helping her. (I do not remember what they said exactly so please don't get mad)


"Number 33 your on red light, green light" my superior yelled through the door to me.  "Yes sir" I yelled back, just finishing getting changed.  I put on my mask, exiting my room and followed my fellow workers to the first game. "Players will now enter the first game" the voice of the doll said. I was standing on the left side of the thing, gun in hand ready to kill whoever I needed to. After a moment the doors opened and around 500 players stepped into the playing area. 

The moment everyone was inside they all just looked completely clueless and confused about what was happening.  "Welcome players to the first game" the doll greeted.  "I will now explain the rules.  When you hear the word green light you may go.  When you hear the word red light you stop.  If any players are caught moving they will be eliminated.  Your objective is to cross the line within the five minute play time.  Any players who do not cross the line will also be eliminated" the doll explained.

"The game will begin shortly" the doll finished, turning the head around ready to start playing. "Green light" the doll yelled, making all the players slightly move forward. "Red light" the doll then yelled. Everyone came to a complete stop waiting for the next time to go, well everyone except those few unlucky players. After shooting the ones that moved, everyone was completely horrified and didn't move an inch when the doll yelled, "green light" and the old man, also known at player 1 was the only one to move. "Red light" was the next thing yelled, with the fool turning its head around and not shooting anyone.  "Green light" the doll sang, the only one who went was player 001, who was actually very old. "Red light" was the next words out.

"Allow me to repeat the rules" the doll began, probably because nobody was actually playing. "When I say green light you go. And when I say red light you stop. If you are caught moving you will be eliminated" the doll explained.  "The game will proceeded shortly" the doll then said, turning its head around for a few seconds.  While me and the person I was on shift with were just standing there with our guns, I suddenly felt a set of eyes just staring at me.  I glanced around all 450 players still left and saw a girl staring right at me.  She was kinda short, had black, short hair, really pretty. "Green light" the doll yelled, causing all the players to move a few inches forward. I noticed the exact girl that was staring at me, was hiding behind some taller guy in front of her, player 101 I believe. "Mhm, smart" I thought to myself, watching her move exactly like the guy did. "Red light" the doll yelled, turning its head around and shooting two players.  "Green light" by this time about 6 or 7 players made it across the finish.

"Red light" the doll yelled next.  My eyes found the young girl once again, doing almost exactly as she was before except this time she was holding the back of player 101's hair. "Green light" the doll yelled seconds later.  Seconds before player 101 started to run again, player 067 quickly pulled back his hair, causing him to fall right on his back.  "Alright I like this girl" I laughed to myself.

The guy has a very angry look on his face but quickly got up and proceeded with the game. Somehow I noticed that the girl was looking right my direction, now probably 10 feet from me. "Red light" the doll yelled, making everyone stop. Well, all except 5 people who were quickly shot. "Green light" the doll then yelled, making the girl now probably 3 feet from me. Seconds before the doll yelled red light, player 067 somehow tripped over someone's body.

"Red light" the doll yelled, as player 067 went plummeting to the ground. I don't know why but I quickly moved the bit of my gun to the end of her shoulder, trying to keep her from moving. "Green light" the doll said, making me move my gun back to it's original position and making player 067 cross the finish. "Thank you" I heard a voice mumbled next to me. I gave a quick glance at who it was, only to find the exact person who's life I just saved, "it's no problem" I replied with a smile crawling onto my face.

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