𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 (𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 240 𝐱 𝐲𝗼𝐮)

213 4 0

You are player 239.  You are playing the games along with your girlfriend player 240.  During the marble game you guys partnered up thinking you would be going against other partners.  Long story short you end up sacrificing yourself so she could live.
(Once again I don't remember what they said exactly.  Excuse the spelling errors)


"Players please chose a partner. You will have ten minutes before the game begins" the intercom told us once we were all in the same room as last game. "Partners? My best guess is that we'll be going up against other teams" I asked my girlfriend next to me. "Oh I was just about to ask that" she said, planting a kiss on my cheek before we sat down, waiting for the game to begin.

"Please follow the guards to the game" the intercom just randomly came on. Doing as instructed, I grabbed my girlfriends hand and started walking to the door. "Your all going to regret this" I heard player 212 yell behind us. "Psycho" I muttered with a laugh. "Agreed" I received from the woman next to me.

"Please follow your assigned guards to your playing area" the voice told us. Not knowing who to go to we waited to be pulled out by a guard, and surprisingly we were the 3rd group.  For about a minute we were walking all over the place until we came to a spot with stairs.

"Please each of you, take a bag from the guard in front of you" we were instructed.  Once again, doing as told we both grabbed a bag and sat down in the stairs.  "Mhm, marbles" I said, once I saw what was in the bag.  "What do we do with these" she asked me.  "No idea" I responded, completely clueless.

"For this game you will pick a game of your choice.  They player that ends up with all 20 marbles by the end of the 30 minute game time wins" the intercom explained to us.  "You may begin" we were told, while the clock started.  "Well, this will be fun" I muttered.

"So, since your the one getting outta here what will you do if you win" my girlfriend asked.  "Ok, first off you'll be the one out of here but if I won I would honestly get my sister out of adoption.  Then probably buy us all a house since we will both live.  What about you" I explained, refusing to let her say that. 

"Well I completely disagree when it comes to who's getting out of this.  If I win the money I would get your brother, get a dog, and buy us four a nice house to live happily ever after in" she smiled.  "Again, if I'm the one out of here" she muttered.

At this point 25 minutes have passed and we still haven't started playing.  "We should probably get this over with" I said, getting up from my seat and offering my hand.  "What should we play" she asked, taking my hand.  "I have an idea" I smiled nervously, leading both her and the guard to find a wall to use.

"Alright how about who ever gets closest to the wall over there wins" I explained, pointing to the wall in front of us.  "Ok, sounds good.  Who first" she asked, grabbing a marble from her bag.  "You can go" I offered.  "Alright" she said, giving me her sweet and warming smile.

"Yes" she exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air since she had almost made it to the wall.  "Your turn" she said, turning to me.  "Alright" I forced a smile.  "Good luck" she said, giving me a quick hug.  I took a deep breath thinking about what I was about to do. 

After a few moments to myself I made one of the best and worst decisions of my life.  Instead of throwing my marble, I just dropped it.  "You win" I admitted, turning around only to find my angry, sad,  and surprised girlfriend.  "W-why did you do that" she asked, almost chocking in her words.  "You have a whole life to live.  I've lived a good portion" I replied softly, pulling her into our last hug.  "It'll be alright" I whispered in her ear, trying to calm her.

Eventually she wrapped her arms around me, feeling like she never wanted to let go.  "God I hate you" she muttered into my neck.  "Love you too darling... love you too" I said, with a small smile on my face.  "Take care of my sister alright" I asked once we pulled away.  She just gave a nod, "hey, say it.  Say you'll take care of her" I said, referring to my 9 almost 10 year old sister.  "I promise" she muttered.

"Live your life to the best alright" I said as we looked each other in the eyes probably for the last time ever.  "I will" she said quietly.  "Go on now" I waved her off to the guard there to escort her out.  "I love you" she replied.  "I love you with all my heart dear" I told her, forcing her to turn around and start walking.

"Ji-yeong" I yelled before she was out of my sight, causing her to stop.  "Thanks" I paused.  "Thanks for just being in my life... I love you" we're the last words out of my mouth before a loud, "BANG" receiving my last breath of life.

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