1 ; wilbur

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★゚+..・we broke each other・..+.★
˚. 1 ; WILBUR ˚.

the tall, lanky, british man sat in call with 3 of his closest friends, tommy, tubbo, and philza.

"ella released a new song yesterday did you see?" tommy asked nonchalantly, carefully trying to bring up the topic with wilbur.

it had been 5 months since the two, ella grace and wilbur soot, had last been seen talking and hanging out. no one knew what had happened, the couple had been avoiding questions about the other person every time it was brought up.

wilbur let's out an annoyed breath of frustration as tubbo and phil are heard talking in the background. wilbur leans his head back in his chair as he tries to control his breathing.

"will?" phil said which breaks wilbur out of his trance, sending a hum of acknowledgment.

"we're gonna watch el's video together." tubbo says carefully, although his never to be dampened spirit seeping through his words as he desperately tried to cheer his friend up.

wilbur replies with a small 'alright' and sinks further in his chair as tommy screen shares. in truth, will wasnt sure if he could make it through 3 minutes and 15 seconds of the girl he was still madly in love with.

the video started out with the silvery-haired girl dressed clad in a blue puffy jacket and blue joggers, ascending a ladder that was laid against a mirror with a speaker dangling to the left of it. her style was unique, it's what caught wilbur's attention the first time they met. he could never forget the sight of the 5'3" girl in a bright oversized hoodie and joggers amidst the dull colors of london and it's inhabitants.

"you'd say you'd stay but then you'd run."

the words felt like knives against wilbur's skin, realizing once again just how much he fucked up. he desperately wished he could take back the lies, the broken promises. just for one more night with her.

"im home alone, you're god knows where. i hope you don't think that shit's fair."

the 6'5" english man subconsciously brought his left hand covered by his sweater to his mouth, anxiously chewing on the fabric as he was brought back to several months ago, just a mere 3 weeks before the two broke it off.

"wilbur this is fucking ridiculous and you know it!" the girl yelled out, angrily stomping her foot against the carpeted floor of the mans apartment. she didn't care if she looked like a six year old throwing a temper tantrum, she had had enough of her boyfriends antics.

"how is it ridiculous ella? i can't- im sorry. this is- it's too much. you're fucking suffocating me. i need some air." the man replied, feeling equally as angry but the feeling being clouded by an intense feeling of anxiety creeping up in his throat.

ella let out a sarcastic laugh, going to grab the black coat that laid on the back of the futon, discarded by wilbur with a laugh hours prior as he walked in behind ella after a date they were on, the atmosphere quickly changing as the two fought over something so insignificant to the actual problem at hand.

"here then," she said, shoving the article of outerwear into his arms. "go. leave like you always do."

he shook his head lightly, wiping the tears that were pooling in his eyes and silently scolds himself for allowing his mind to wander so far. wilbur lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding when the video was finally over, not being able to hold his tears back much longer as he saw the eyes he so desperately missed staring into during one of their many hours long facetime calls.

"that was... something." phil said with a laugh.

wilbur cleared his throat as he blinked back more unshed tears from in his eyes.

"yeah it was good." he replied shortly, causing an uncomfortable silence to fall over the discord call.

the three other boys silently tried to decide the best way to bring up the topic. they all knew something happened, something bad, between the two but none of them ever sure how to talk to him about it.

"will, what happened?" tommy eventually blurted out, speaking the words everyone was thinking.

wilbur took a deep breath, his thumb playing with the silver ring on his right hand.

"we broke each other." were the only words he replied.

"that song's... about you?" tubbo asked the man who replied with a small yeah before saying he had to go.

wilbur logged off of his computer, not wanting to talk any longer before walking over to his bed and laying down face first. letting out a small groan he opened his phone to twitch and logged into his alt account where he could freely watch her streams without anyone seeing.

"here we are!! ive officially moved to london, and i can't say what for yet but there is going to be some VERY big but VERY good changes."

wilbur could've sworn he heard his heart crack a little more as his eye sight became blurry and the hand holding his phone dropped on the soft bed sheets. he saw her mouth was moving but he could hear nothing, anxiety slowly engulfing him.

get it together will, she doesnt love you, she never has, she's over you. move on.

wilbur quickly gathers himself as he closes the app and turns over to get some much needed rest.

all i need | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now