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It's funny, that you ever worried that no one would think about you

You're all anyone talks about

Everyone thinks about you even though you're gone

You're everywhere I go

In whispers of conversation and painfully fond memories

Consuming the outside world and my inner peace

It's funny, knowing that I'm surrounded by all of the friends you've made

And that not a single one of them would bat an eye if I was gone

How I'm here and you're there, both of us forced to face the wrong opportunities

It's funny, this dichotomy you've left behind you

People either hate you or love you

Are either gushing with blinding praise or chanting a laundry list of all your faults

And here I am in the middle of it

Torn between wanting you and hating you for what you've done

You're ruining yourself

Immortalizing your ignorant, blissful youth in the minds of everyone you cross

You don't understand the impact of your actions, and I doubt you ever will

But that's no problem for someone who doesn't plan on seeing things through to the end

It's funny, that we existed together at all

In this endless, cosmic joke called "life"

That against all the infinitesimal probabilities

I was still struck down by the firestorm of your existence

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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