Part 5

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Bakugou POV:

'No. Flipping. Way. Has he just been looking down on me this whole time?!'

 I hear the old hag call me, I yell at her then make my way down the stairs. 'That extra was probably just trying to prank me. Stupid Deku doesn't have a quirk, not even a late one.'

Izuku's POV:

I get to my apartment and put my school stuff on the coffee table, while walking to the kitchen to get a snack. 'I wonder if I should text Elias. Maybe he was just teasing me in a different way and he doesn't like me at all. It would be sad if that's the case. On the plus side he is pretty cute! I look down at my phone hearing a notification. 'Oh it's Auntie' I pull up our messages and see that she would like me to come over for dinner because she, and I quote, "misses my adorable face". 'Okay then. Gosh I hope I don't run into Kacchan alone or have to have an actual conversation with him. That would be bad.' I text back "Be there in 5 minutes." and put away my Taiyaki in the freezer, grab my keys and wallet, and walk out the door, locking it.

Bakugou POV:

I walk down the stairs to see dinner on the table and the old man (Dad) sitting. The hag is at the door. 'Maybe she is waiting for her sanity to walk through the front door.' I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I walk to the table to see the old hag walking up to the table chatting with...


"Why is he here!?" I yell at the hag.

"Shut up brat! He is staying for dinner." She yells back, a hand on her hip. 'Oh heck no!' I sigh, "whatever" as they both sit on either side of me.

Nobody's POV:

They all start eating in silence. To break said silence Masaru asked Izuku a question, "so how's school been for you Izuku?"

"It- it has been okay. Um class is- uh- well..." Izuku tries to explain but with Kacchan staring daggers at him it is proving to be quite difficult.

"Izuku..." Mitsuki notices the glare her son is giving, "don't be afraid to say what you want. We have known you basically your whole life. I know what you are like when you wanna cuss something or someone out, so go for it. No one will judge you." She shoots Katsuki a glare, who glares then backs off.

"I- your right. Sorry Auntie." Izuku sighs, knowing that at some point his real personality is gonna come out tonight.

"Good. I am glad you trust us Izuku. So I ask again, how has school been for you?" Masaru asks, smiling.

"It has been... Complete crap. I hate the teacher, the students hate me, I already know all the things they are teaching, the bullying has gotten worse, and..." Izuku stops, seeing three shocked faces turned to him. "Or uh- I mean it could be better." Izuku blushes from embarrassment, looking down quickly before continuing, "We will elaborate on this later. For the time being, how have you all  been?"

Bakugou POV: 

'Does he really feel that way? I mean, the whole class does not like him. But even for a quirkless nerd, he seems lonely. Not that I care though.'

Nobody's POV:

I have been pretty good. Work has been really hectic though." Masaru replies.

"Yeah. I totally understand that." Izuku irritably remarks.

"Geez, that one girl again?" Masaru asks, worried.

'What girl? What are they talking about?' Katsuki ponders, confusedly. 

"Yeah. Honestly, I want to hit her with my broom every time I hear her come in. But I need the money so I control myself." Izuku says, sighing into his water glass. 

"Well at least she isn't down right terrible..." Masaru murmurs.

"True. She could be walking in everyday in just her underwear. That would just be plain gross." Izuku scowled.

"Ew. But what if it was a guy instead of a girl?" Mitsuki teased.

"I would be WAY more willing to talk to them then. If they were good looking I may even thank them for walking in with just underwear on." Izuku contemplated. He then realized what he said and turned bright red, "I-I mean, I wouldn't-"

Masaru and Mitsuki just laugh.

"Izuku your gay is showing." Mitsuki said, still chuckling.

"Well I-" Izuku starts, then gets a notification. "Sorry, one second." He looks down at his phone and sees a text from his boss saying he needs to speak with him ASAP. "Uh-oh. My boss just notified me. He would like me to come in ASAP. I am sorry, I wish I could stay longer. I have Saturday off, if you want me to drop by then." Izuku stands up, walks to the sink to wash his dishes then goes back to the table.

"That would be nice. I am going shopping for a few hours Saturday, if you would like to come over afterwards." Mitsuki says, smiling sweetly at Izuku.

"Sounds good.I will text you then. See you all later!" He walks out the door after grabbing his things, then jogs to his workplace.


A longer chapter for you all. Thank you for putting up with me and my crazy. I will try and update Tuesday (10/4) but I don't know what my schedule is gonna look like. 

P.S: This story is completely owner ones work. Go check out the villain deku story that owner two is making! I have read through it somewhat, and it is really good.

917 words

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