Boarding School 101

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The crowd yelled and scream my name...." RYLIE. RYLIE.RYLIE." The black silk robe hang over my shoulders so lightly it felt like air. The door to the stage grew large as a came closer. 'you can do this, whoever is out there you can take them down with one punch, you can do it ' As I walk the voice out side the door grew louder and anger. "GET READY to fight. Today we have two of the best MMA players. Its going to get dirty and bloodly fast because both will put up a good fight. Alright, in this side we have the ........., he one of the best player know to man. And over here we have the first female to get here and try to take down the champ. She is the first and only that made it through all the round with out bleeding at the first hardcore punch. Here she is RYLIE HUNTER." the ref said into the microphone that hang from the ceiling. The crowd went wild. I walk through the door and walk with swag and with a badass posture. The every single seat in the stand was filled. Some had to stand. As I reached the steps my coach gave me a prep talk. It was the same thing that I said earlier to my self. He remove my robe, gave me my designer black and red gloves, and hand me my lucky hair tie. I thank him for his hard work. I tie my hair and open the door to a cage fight stage. The other fighter stood there looking down like a werido.

I guess he heard me call him a werido because he bought his head up. When I look at his face I could only see a blur that hunged over his face. I turned away because it hurt my eyes to stare at him. So I did my prep dance. Which goes something like this : right foot kick, left hand punch, left foot kick, right hand punch, right foot trip, left hand hook, left foot trip, and final right hand hook. I took a sip from my bottle. The ref called us to the middle of the stage "I want a clean fight. No bitting, no cursing, no kick each other in the private parts. All right? Ok, shake hand when you finish go back to your sides." We did what the ref told us. I extend my right hand out. I waited for him to shake it but instead he stood there like a frozen statue. I looked up only to find his blur face to close to mine. I focused on his face, trying to remember where I have seen him before. Then when I almost had it, the room started to get brighter. At on point it was so bright it look like white. When I return to look at my opponent his face too was blending in with the light.

I looked around, only to find my self on a hospital bed with a I.V. pole sticking out of me. "Ggggggrrrrreeeeeaaat! She is so going to kill me." I said with sarcasm in my voice. And not a mintue to waste my mother says something like this, " You know Rylie, street fighting is not for girls. You can hurt yourself which you have already done. And this time you went overboard. This is the last straw. And I mean it this time. And why haven't you been in school lately? You miss a month of school and I bet you were fighting or praticing. And you haven't come home either. What's wrong with you? I have been worried sick about you. I cant take this any more young lady. I am sending you to England's best boarding school. One if my friends works there and she letting you in for half of the price. She said it will be good for you and it will change you too. And that's what I really need from you. I called the doctor saying you are awake. And I'll ask him if can flight on Friday."

That's when I tuned in. "WHAT! You cant do that." I raise my voice.

"Don't you dare raise your voice with me young lady. I am your mother and in till your 18 that when you can do what ever you want. But in till then I say what you can do and thing you cant do." She walk to the door of my room and slaked it on the way out. The noise of the door made me cringe. I look up into the ceiling, even thoughhe not here I said " Help me PAPI, it wasn't my falut this time. I don't want to leave. You know I only do this to keep in touch with you. Why cant mama understand that? Why does she punish me for this? Help me papi. Please if you can hear me in heaven. Help me." I cried intill I found my self sleeping.

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