4. Waking Up

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I woke up with the worst head ache. Then I felt someone put there hand on me. I felt I soft tug on me. GREAT. I opened my eyes just a little for the sun not to burn my eyes out. I saw that Ash was gone and a flight attendant was at eye level with me. "Miss Hunter. There's and hour left in till we land. Mr. Carter told me to give you this." The lady gave me a slip of paper and left. I sat up and opened it. It said:

Sorry but they had to change my flight.Here's my number so you can call me when you land. So we can meet up. Have a safe journey. (201)-457-2814 ({[not a real number]})

-Ash Carter

I blushed slightly. He realty wants to meet up? I don't believe it. Most guys are scared of me after they watch me street fight. But then again...he never saw me fight. I mumbled a thank you and sat up.

I sat there for a few moments, then I remember that I placed hair dye and new pair clothes in my purse. I mentally patted myself on the back for that. I got up and grab my bag and went to the bathroom. I opened the door and slip in, locking the door after I entered. I settled my bag on the counter and opened it. I found a box of bright red hair dye, vividest green for color contacts, and clothes. I tried to do this quick and clean. Once I finished, hair naturally curly and flow, I dressed into black skinny ripped jeans, with a white tank top, black blazer, and red high heel pumps. And since I be arriving in England during daytime, I packed red Ray Ban's to match my hair.

I quickly packed the box and my old clothes inside my purse and left the bathroom. I sat back into my seat and opened up the window blind. The clouds had this beautiful rainbow theme going on. The looked like a safe heaven. Hope he was safe up there. "Please, everyone buckle up. We are landing." The pilot said. Following his orders, strapped my self in. And at this point I forgot about my fear of flight. I had to much on my mind and that fear didn't stand a chances to get to the surface of my think world.

Once landed, I go to the part of the airport where you claim your bags. I grab the black bag with splashes of red paint. If you haven't notice my favorite color is red. And the paint was to make the bag stand out from all the other ones so it made it easy to find it. I walked to the place where other people should pick you up, but then again I know no one here. I walked through the hall, to the parking lot for rentals. In my bag, my mother left me a bag that held a car key, money, and map to the school, key to the dorm room my school paper, and my records from prison (sometimes police comes during fights and arrest people) other needed items. I walked up to the guy that runs the whole rental thing and handed him the key. "Do you have the car that goes with this key?" I asked. I towered over him, one because of the heels and two because of his original height. I would say he 4' 5" tops, and he is a grown man. He started to walk down rows of cars. Then he would go across, around, then keep on going. He would look at the key then at the cars around him. It took him an hour or even more to tell me "This is a fake key. No real car for fake key." handing me back the key and walked off. I was burning with steam out of my ear. For an hour he didn't see it was a fake key. I throw the key to the floor and smashed it with my foot.

Then all I hear is Beep Beep. Like the opening of a car. I look to my left and I see a cover. Woundering whats under it, I pull the cover off. OMG, it was a red Audi R8-Spyder-GT-2012. It was beautiful, and the guy said there was no car for this key. I placed my stuff inside the truck and my purse in the passager seat. Hopped inside, and right in the cup holder was the other spare key. Placing the key in and it roared to life. shifting the gear, pushing the pelt, it move so smooth. I moved towards the door, and once on the street I ripped it. I zoomed down the streets of London. Looking at the map, in a open air ( like all fields, a house every other mile) noticing I'm lost.

I mentally curse my self out. But it has been a long time since I enjoyed my self. Blasted the radio on and Don't You Worry Child came on. This song really touched me. I reminded me of my father and what he use to say to me before every fight. See my father was a pro street fighter during the night but during the day he was a trainer at a gym. My mom always wounder how he gets so many marks and scars but he always says "The kid put up a fight today. He is getting better." That's where my love for street fighting came. My mother never knew he was a street fighter because where the fights where held where in a secret location that not even Google maps could find. And my part time job is at the same gym were he uses to work. I like working there because I feel it brings me closer to my dad in some ways.

It was seven pm and I stopped on the side of the road. It was on a cliff and it gave me the most beautiful view ever. I looked though my purse to find my camera but I found a note instead. It said ' Saint Mary Private Boarding School for Girls'. "Got to be playing with me. An all girl school." I sighed. I sat on top of the truck and look at the view.

"Don't you worry child. Daddy always has a plan. I will make it out alive. Don't you tell mom now. Its our little dirty secret." my dad's voice repeated over and over since those where the last words he spoke to me on that night.

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