3. Ready for Take Off.

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With my head down, I trudged back out into a congested halls of the airport. Weary travelers bustled around me and I shifted my bags so I can pull up the stubborn strap of my dress back over my shoulder where it belongs. As I do, I crash into someone with enough force that my bags went flying out of my hands and scattered onto the floor.

" SON OF A -" I blurt out without thinking

" Buck?" a male voice offered helpfully.

Looking up, I stare into the most unique and beautiful shade of blue that a pairs of eyes has ever possessed. Blue just shouldn't be that multifaceted and twinking. There should be a law or something. Or at least a warning lable: Caution, these eyes may cause female knees to tremble, googly eyes, and jaw ajared. Before I can help it, I scan the rest of his body. Sweet Goatless Mothers. This guy had luck in the gene department. Tall, slender, beautiful. His brown honey colored hair that had natural highlights that could even catch the crappy airport light, broad shoulders, slim hips, long legs. He is tan and golden with a bright, white smile. I am surely starting at Apollo, the god of the sun. Probably with my mouth hanging open, which make me reaize that i must look like an idiot. I snap my mouth closed.

"I'm sorry," I say quickly, trying to still my racing heart. "Did I run into you?"

"Only a bit," Apollo says gentlemanly, with a shurg of his strong shoulders. I can tell he is strong even through his shirt sleves, which are snug across his toned biceps. Sweet baby goats. "How can someone run into someone else only by a bit?" I asked wih a nervous smile as I kneel to get my stuff off the floor. He bends down next to me helping me gather the contents of my spilled purse. He smelled wounderful. Just like the beach, hint of axe, limes and lemons, and other citrues fruits. I just wanted to bear hug him. All of a sudden he went for the tampon. I tried not to cringe as he grasp it and slides it back into the purse. He doesn't flinch, he just contines to pick my stuff up and put it back into my purse. Its like he is used to handing feminie hygiene products.

"Oh, it's fairly easy, really," he answers. He has an exotic sounding accent that I can't place. " At least, when you're not looking where your going." my head snaps up and he laughs at my action. "I'm kidding," he assures me as he extends an arm to me. Even his handds is graceful. WOW, what has this boy done to me? I gulp as his fingers curled around mine. " You could bump into me anytime you like."

"Thanks," I mumble. "I think."

"I'm Ash," he tells me, his endless blue eyes twinkled at me.

"I'm Rylie," I answer with a sigh, already anticipating his reaction. "Yes, I know it's a boys name."

" You're not a boy," Ash observes. "Most definitely not a boy."

" Thanks. And thank you very much for help me pick up my things. Safe travels." I turn away and walked quickly away in the other direction. I held my stupid pink purse tighter. There was something mysterious about him. But I don't look back.


Regrardless of my silent chanting, I checked behind me to see if he was still there. Apollo was nowhere to be found. So I continue on to the British Airways Terminal. There were an hour left intill people started to boar the plane.

One Hour Later

As I grabed the cup of coffee from the girl, the speakers of the airport said " ALL PRIORITY TRAVELERS, WE ARE BOARDING NOW. ALL PRIORITY TRAVELERS, WE ARE BOARDING NOW." I silently told him to shut up. As I walk to the line for 'regular' passengers, I saw that Ash was getting on board on the same flight as I. They let him go in front of everyone, I guess he is a priority passenger. Finally the line has reached me, I hand the flight attendant my ticket.

"Have a nice flight, Miss Hunter."she said so kindly, I wanted to puke on her shoes. Flying was my worst nigtmare. Ever since I saw ' SNAKES ON THE PLANE' I could never get on one. I would alwas flip out. As I walked down the aisle through first class, I couldn't help but to search for Apollo. Thats when I saw him, he was sitting in one of those leathery first-class chairs, next to the window covered up in a warm blanket. Those blankets don't look so crappy compared to the one they give us. As I moved closer to him, his eyes poped open, meeting mines. I smiled at him as I passed him and his gaze doesn't waver from mine. I find myself wishing I could sit next to him. Not because of the treatment they give you here in first-class, but rather because I can feel a connection between me and him. Ripping my eyes from his, I continue down the aisle and find my seat.

Taking a deep breath, I stash my carry-on in the overhead bin and slumping the window seat, trying not to hyperventilate as my fear of flying suddenly overwhelms me while the cramped airpane closes in around me.


I watch the flight crew below me loading the bags into the belly of the plane. I took a deep breath and I looked forward, trying not to think of all the possible ways of things going wrong and everyones dies. I grab my Ipod and blast it enough for me not to hear anything around me. Before I closed my eyes for the rest of the flight, I saw Ash appear next to me.

"Is this seat taken?" he smiled and I notice a dimple in his right cheek that I hadn't noticed before. How could I missed that.


The little voice in my head was right. "Not that I know of," I answered shuting down the Ipod.

"Can I sit here? I'm borded up front." I nod, my palms instantly getting clammier just like before I fight. "You look pretty pale, are you ok?" he observes as he buckles up. "Are you afraid to fly?"

" Yea, is it that obvious?" I asked quietly. "Don't worry. There is nothing t be afarid of."

He said calmly. His accent swaped me away. I go to find out where he is from. "You have the most interesting accent ever. Where are you from?" I said, without having time to stop myself. HE smiled, his teeth brilliantly white. I decide on the spot that I can watch him smile all day long. " Well I am from England, of course. But I live in London. But I live away from home. And you?" He questioned. "Like you don't know that I'm American," I chuckled "I know it's written all over me. I'm sure your a fan, right?" "Of Americans?" he raised a honey brown eyebrow. "Of course. I love them. I have no reason not to. They bring alot of money in with them." He laughed, I couldn't help laughing with him.

The flight attendent came and wishpers something in his ear. He nodds and he turn to me. "They finally let me change my seat. Now I can sit here with you. Get to know you better." he nodged me a little. I laughed lightly. Then that when I felt the plane move. I grabed the arm of the chair. I could feel my knuckles turning white. Then I felt the pressure disappear. I looked over to see that Ash was holding my hand in his. I gave him a light smile. I placed my head phones on and stared out the window. I feel asleep in this poitision but thats when I felt someone pulling my head on their lap and pulling my feet on the chair. I rolled into a ball in this person lap. I felt a blanket bring place over my and a pillow under my head. Who ever was doing this is werid because, first I don't know them, second I don't know them, and lastly I don't know why they are doing this? Whoever this was, why were they being so kind all of a sudden in a airplane? But I don't care. I feel safe and sound in this person lap. I feel that this person is going to take a big role in my life.


SORRY GUYS. I know that I was going to update yesterday, but this was a long chapter. Hope you like it. And my new book thats coming out soon. And this chapter was tribuate (sorry if spelled wrong) to a book I read, and this chapter was based on a little scence that happened in the book. So comment, like, vote, share, and keep on reading see what will happen. And if you guys have any ideas for the next chapter, tell me and maybe your ideas will be in my chapter. Next chapter is coming out next saturday. I will always update one chapter a week, but sometime I will make more chapters.

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