5. Its a New Start for Me

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Last night before it go to dark, I found a motel. I rented the room for two days. Even thought it only November and school had started, I wasn't ready to go. I didn't want to be surround by girls, or in other words drama. That's why I got only with guys so much, cause they don't do drama they fight it out instead.

----------------------- the very next day.

Packing my things up into my bags. Giving the key in, and hoping into the car, setting the GPS to Saint Mary Private Boarding School for Girls. And just hoping nothing would pop up. But I was wrong. There was a school and it was only couple of miles away. Great. Only words that I was able to cough up in my mind.

Those couple of miles seem to take forever, making me grip the wheel of the car so hard that my knuckles turn white. Then I reach a iron gate that's about like 25 ft tall. Drive the car a little closer, and I notice there was one of those boxes that you talk into. I pressed the button, that said 'speak', clearly I think that was the right button to press.

"Hello, this is Saint Joseph and Saint Mary Private boarding School for Boys for Saint Joseph and Girls for Saint Mary. How may I help you?" this women said on the other side of the speaker.

"Well I'm Rylie Hunter, and I'm a new student here. And I would like to get settle in."

" Well, Rylie Hunter. You got to place your ID card in the slit that right next to 'Talk' button. After placing that, your house name, your dorm room number, your random chosen buddy, and other information about your stay here will appear. Other information you might need, you be able to ask the Main office for a print out of it. Any questions?"

"Yes, whats the random buddy thing?" I spoke as I search for my ID card.

"You are give a buddy. Your buddy have the same classes as you do, but they are never the opposite gender as you. I forgot to mention, there are two schools on this ground. One for all girls, the other one is only boys. That mean your not allowed to cross over or do anything on that side. If caught in the action of doing so, your kicked out forever. The girls and boys side, both have 6 schools. One for language arts, and other languages. Other math, another would be science, and the history school. The last school is for other activities such as gym, art, music, health, choirs, library. I keep forgetting, there's a dorm house but its divided in names, and main building is down the road its also the place where church is held. There is also after school activities like sports, art club, and other girl activities you could imagine."

" Thank you for all that information. I found my card. Thank you once again, good-bye." The card was in my purse, it had a bar code, my picture from like 8th grade, my basic information like gender, date of birth. It hanged on a shoe lace with a key which I guess its my dorm key. Sliding the card inside the slit that seem to eat my card, it spit it back out. And the screen on the other side, taking the whole side only leaving little bit of space at the bottom for the slit. And this is what I saw:

Basic information:

Rylie Hunter- Student

Saint Mary Private Boarding School for Girls- School

Inkwell- House

108 AC- Dorm #

Shaina, Rachael, Sandy- Dorm Mates

1482753692- I.D #


Ashton Carter- Buddy's name

Male 8/17 18- Gender/D.O.B/Age

Inkwork- House

107 RH- Dorm #

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