Chapter Six

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Keefe was... half right. When he woke up, instead of Tam being his arms, he was in Tam's arms.

Keefe smiled at the face of the boy in front of him. He had a sudden feeling of déjà vu, remembering what had happened earlier that morning. Upon looking around the room, however, Keefe assured himself that it was indeed his room.

"Wake up," Keefe murmured, shaking Tam's shoulder. Tam stirred slightly and brought his wrist up to his eye.

"Whaddayouwan'?" Tam mumbled, halfway opening his eyes.

"For you to get up." Keefe poked Tam's side.

Tam sat up a bit, his bright silver eyes opening fully as he smiled at Keefe. And not a small smile, either - a beam that lit up his whole face.

Keefe was left lost in his feelings as Tam stood up. He had a strange and sudden urge to do something, but he wasn't quite sure what. Something to do with Tam...

Holy shit, I want to kiss Tam.

At the realization, the urge became stronger, but Keefe resisted. Because he knew the look in Tam's eyes.

He had seen it before.

With Sophie.

This was the look of someone looking at their best friend.

And nothing more.


Keefe hid his fear that Tam would discover his secret crush behind jokes. As usual.

But Tam knew something was wrong. Keefe never joked that much anymore. At least, not without hiding a tearstained face behind his smirk.

"What's wrong?" Tam asked finally.

Keefe flinched. "What do you mean?"

"You've been acting strange this whole week. Joking too much around me."

"Am I not allowed to joke around you?" Keefe snapped - Fake anger to cover up his fear. Perfect.

"Not if it means something's wrong."

Tam pulled Keefe into a gentle hug. Keefe sank into the hug silently, not daring to speak.

"What's wrong?" Tam asked again.

"It's just..." Keefe decided to cover up the truth he didn't want to tell Tam with another truth. "Everyone else has been ignoring me. I figured, if you thought I was boring, then..."

Keefe trailed off. He knew Tam realized what the end of that sentence would be.

"You'll never bore me," Tam said into the top of Keefe's head.

When Keefe didn't respond, Tam lifted Keefe's chin so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"You'll never bore me," Tam repeated firmly. "You understand?"

"Yeah," Keefe mumbled. "Yeah, I understand."

Tam smiled, and Keefe pulled himself out of Tam's gasp before he gave in.

Before he pressed his lips against Tam's.

Before he ruined their friendship forever.

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