Chapter Eight

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Keefe woke in a ball, curled up against Tam's chest. He was warm and comfortable and had no reason to move. But he wanted to see Tam's face. He tilted his head back.

"Good morning," Tam told him brightly. "I bandaged your arms, but you should still be careful. And I have something for you to wear so that no one sees the bandages."

"Okay," Keefe said sleepily.

Tam got up from the bed to look through the closet as Keefe sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "It was right here, I swear," Tam mumbled, shoving aside piles of shirts.

After a few more seconds, Tam announced, "Aha!"

Then he turned around to reveal the best hoodie in the history of hoodies.

It was white. On the back were small pink letters that said, 'fuck whatever y'all say'. The front had slightly larger pink letters that said 'imma be me' above a sideways gay pride flag (red on the left to violet on the right). Across the flag, in reverse order (violet on the left to red on the right), were block letters, one for each stripe, that said 'ANYGAY'.

(A/N: In case I've confused anyone: all together, the hoodie says 'fuck whatever y'all say, imma be me ANYGAY (because there are only six colors on the flag so 'ANYGAYS' wouldn't fit))

"There is no way I'm seeing this right," Keefe said, jumping up and grabbing the hoodie. "Does it really say-"

"Yup," Tam said. "Do you like it?"

"Like it?" Keefe asked incredulously as he slid the hoodie on. "I love it!"

"I knew you would."

The sleeves of the hoodie went a few inches past Keefe's fingertips, and the bottom edge reached halfway down his thighs.

"Thank youuuuuu!" Keefe squealed, hugging Tam.

"You're welcome," Tam responded with a laugh, hugging Keefe back.

And Keefe realized something that he'd probably known all along, but had been too oblivious to realize.

This was where he belonged.

Tam's arms around him, with that distinctive smell that was just so Tam (honey and sugar and pine needles, somehow all at once but also separate) masking every other smell.

Keefe wanted to stay here forever.

A/N: If anyone here has any art skill, I'd love it if you could paint/draw/whatever-your-form-of-art-is the hoodie (because I try but can't for the life of me draw anything beyond a stick figure).

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