Chapter Nine

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A/N: Okay, before y'all ask questions, read the entire chapter. I swear it'll make sense. And yes, it's very short. Sorry about that.

"Babeeeee," Tam whined, his head in is boyfriend's lap.

"Yeah, Tammy?" asked Tam's boyfriend, playing with Tam's hair.

"I'm boreddddd."

"Well, too bad."

The two shared a secret look.

Keefe smiled at Tam.

Then he smiled at Fitz.

Then he smiled at Tam and Fitz, because he didn't want either of them to think that he didn't approve of their relationship.

He didn't (approve, that is), but Fitz didn't need to know that. Neither did Tam, for that matter. Nobody other than Keefe himself knew that Keefe liked Tam. And he planned to keep it that way until he died.

It wouldn't be much longer, anyways.

Tonight, Keefe told himself firmly. I'm doing it tonight.

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