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Hi, everyone! It's actually my first attempt in writing MM ff. My writing is far from perfect and the same goes with my English (English is not my first language). Yet, I just thought that I needed to do something with the flowing creative juices in my head, especially after achieving Good Ending for Jumin's, Zen's and Seven's routes (I have a soft spot for them for different reasons and yeah, I am a new fan. Quite late, isn't it? :P). I hope you enjoy this story nevertheless :D


"Hahahha. You're really cute!"

"I love you with all my heart. Only you."

"If the God allows it, I want to keep you in my heart forever."

"I love you, Soo. I love you so much."

A sweat-drenched body shot up, leaving the faintly screech of the single-bed from the sudden movement echoed for seconds. It was soon swallowed by the lonely and quiet night. Her black eyes stared at the window emptily but her heart did not share the same adjective. It was full of strange and burning feelings that hurt her chest.

"The... the dream again," the girl, HaeSoo muttered, ignoring the sticky and uncomfortable sensation of her long black hair on her neck and temples. "What's with those voices? So loud that they got so creepy."

Head ache was another side-effect that she had to suffer from such a dream. She despised the dream the most. It made her nauseated even all she did in it was walking aimlessly in darkness. For Hae Soo, it was better for her to be clueless and alone in a foreign place rather than being surrounded and haunted by a bunch of strangers' voices without knowing where they were.

Who knows from which direction they will show up... I hate it the most...

Her daily life consisted of dealing with perverts to the point of she had to hit or punch them to make them come to their senses. So, she did not want to deal with any in her dream. She always prayed that she got a princess-like night sleep since she was mistreated a lot in daylight.

"Hae Soo, dear... are you awake already?" The soft knock on the door managed to make her flinch. This was when she realized how each day passed, that particular dream had slowly swallowed her mind stability.

"Ye... yes, mom," she replied, quickly pushing her thin blanket from her legs. Crap, her voice even broke from the anxiety!

"Make it quick, okay? Don't make Mr. Cha disappointed like the last time," her mother's way-too-soft voice from outside of her bedroom made her heart sink.

Of course, as expected from her mother. Anything about that freaking Mr. Cha would make her way too ecstatic to care about Hae Soo's constitution.

"Well, maybe she will show her care if she can actually see my condition," Hae Soo muttered before dragging her legs to the bathroom.

That was how Min Hae Soo's days had begun since five years ago. Being scared and confused by a dream of a bunch of male voices, blurting out questions even though she knew that no one could give the answers and got ready for her work.

Hae Soo always hated how fast each morning rained her life; her reality. She wished she could make her sleep or rest time doubled so that she could have much longer time to relieve herself from her negative thoughts.

Despite his respect and close relationship with his father, the man was also the reason why Han Jumin's chief assistant kept changing. Whoever caught his father's interest, it was the end for him and those girls were more than willing to follow his father since working with Jumin after some time was depressing and lacklustre. The annoying cycle went on and as much as it wasted his time, Jumin had no choice but seeking a new assistant for so many times.

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