Chapter 04 : the contract

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" eomma , are you okay ? " Rona asked as she opened the door for her mother , seeing her puffy eyes and hopeless look that she hasn't seen for long .

" eomma is just tired rona , okay ? I will tell you about it after just give me time to relax " the mother waved her daughter off and went to her bedroom .

Rona took some painkillers that her mother used , a cup of water and some warm milk to help her relax , she hurried her steps and helped her mother take them .

After finishing the mother took her daughter's hand in hers and held them closer the her chest .

" eomma is sorry rona , I'm sorry I don't deserve you " the older woman whispered feeling tears running down her cheek .

Yes , Rona was confused and more so worried .

Her mother had seemed fine this morning but now it's like she's back somewhere unreachable . They had been there before , two years ago and they moved pass that and they'll continue to do the same until they are at the same place .

" shhh , eomma it's okay . You're safe , okay ? You are the best mother in the world everyone would die to have you and I'm forever thankful that I am your daughter . Everything will work out , we will move past this . " she said softly patting her mother's back feeling her mother drift to sleep .


Back at suryeon's office , suryeon was frustrated to say the least , well more frustrated than she had been since seeing oh yoon hee three days ago . She couldn't focus on her meeting or any of the papers she had to sign .

The audacity of that woman .

After everything she did , how could she not kneel and beg for forgiveness but instead , instead she's holding herself like she's all high and mighty , like she isn't just a thief .

" Suryeon-Ah " a stern voice called her from the door .

Looking up she felt a shiver run down her spine and it wasn't the good kind , whenever her dad visited her it had never ended good .

" Ah Appa , hello . Come sit " she offered stuttering at her words like a child .

He looked at her displeased , how could his own flesh and blood be this weak , weak enough to stutter her words .

" You have not upgraded the company and you haven't raised our shares prices except for the fifteen percent from the the past two months " he said straightaway .

" What's your plan B ? " he asked .

His daughter had to do better , be better . After everything she was the daughter of the great shim family and he wouldn't let her be the disgrace .

Suryeon tried to find something to say , she had thought fifteen percent in the global market was enough , it meant millions of dollars and she did that only in two months but she should've known better , nothing she ever did was enough for her father .

" I'm sorry father , I was just a bit unfocused . I will make sure I make up for it . " she said looking down at her hands .

" Well , you better get yourself together you're not a kid anymore . Or should I remind you of our deal . " he threatened .

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