Chapter 06 : one meeting

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The next week's meeting came earlier than expected

Seojin had texted both of her new 'investors'with the details , the meeting was held in order to expand the cheon-Ah success they were supposed to suggest ideas and then discuss which one would suit best .

Suryeon was one of the first people to arrive , being the punctual person she was raised to be . She rarely/never arrived late and always earlier than others she took one of the seats in the big round table and sat , organizing her stack of paper . She had worked hard the past week trying to find the best way to help the company .

After she finished she took her small mirror from her purse and fixed her bangs , the room was nearly full only two or three seats left .

A few moments later the last two people came , them being seojin and yoonhee .

'Were they together?' Suryeon's mind asked but she shut off that thought , she only has to pretend to tolerate yoonhee , they are in an important meeting after all .

Seojin took the chair on the front center and fate with its twisted games made the last seat available the one across from suryeon , so the red haired pulled the chair and sat down , looking up she spotted the woman from last week , the black haired was unusually not wearing her sunglasses and there wasn't the 'I hate you and I wish to kill you'look in her eyes she was simply indifferent . Looking closely she noticed the woman was wearing an oversized while suit with a black shirt underneath , she looked as always , elegant .

On the other side suryeon took a glance at yoonhee when she was looking down , she was wearing a white dress that hugged her curves perfectly somehow making suryeon wonder whether this was a meeting call or a fashion show . Annoyingly enough the woman who's covered in many layers somehow managed to appear angelic , something the latter always failed to do .

Let's go back to what's more important , both women thought focusing on what the director is saying .

" As you all know I've called in this meeting because i want to know what your thoughts are on how to upgrade our educative and business system . I would like to listen to anyone who has an idea . Thank you " the director said bowing and then sitting down .

Some people gave their ideas , some of them were interesting some the other were an obvious failed attempt .

" Suryeon , what do you think ? " seojin brought her attention to the woman in question .

" Well in my opinion , I think we could make this place more luxurious . "

Seojin arched a brow , to say that she was offended was an understatement but suryeon was fast to reply .

" No , not like that . This place is amazing but " she paused a bit " I think it needs redecorating , like every other modern international school , giving it a different vibe would certainly attract the attention of a different type of people than the ones who already know the school . I think we can also adapt the english language , it would gain us students from abroad , maybe even teach students from the USA " she finished happy with her idea .

" Interesting , it would also gain us important connections even aboard " she considered the idea then turned her attention to the red haired across .

" What about you yoonhee ? "

The woman cleared her throat and played with the tip of her research papers , to say she was insecure about her idea was an understatement but she reminded herself that it was for the better good .

" I think we should consider giving the opportunity for lower class people to enter the school . I mean in addition to it being a noble human act it can also gain us good reputation . We can use that as an advantage to make the school's name the talk of the day ; not caring enough about the student's parents and family history but more about his capacities and abilities . "

Now that everyone's attention was on her , some of them liked the idea she could see it from their faces and some of them had questionable looks . She knew she had said quite a controversial idea but she wanted to try her best .

Suryeon's scoff made her attention turn back to her and raise one of her brows .

" Do you want to add something ?" She asked not really wanting to hear the other woman's voice .

" This is a prestigious school not a shelter for the homeless " surgeon stated plainly trying to seem as much cold hearted as she could . The words that left her mouth weren't from her heart , she just wanted to see the other woman fail and another part of her wanted to see her fight .

" I know that . But doing good doesn't lessen the school's value if anything all it does is make it better . By doing so , we can be an example for other schools , or even good influencers to the children that study here . Make them know that not everything is about power but about goodness and hardwork . "

" Your point is wrong . In this real world everything is about wealth and power . You should know better , you always craved it . " she looked into the woman's eyes , a small evil smirk on her face .

The rage building inside of yoonhee's eyes that everyone in the meeting noticed would burn down this place and put suryeon's corpse on top of its shells .

" I can't stay in a place with someone who neither respects themselves nor others . I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen excuse me " she said getting up from her chair and leaving the meeting , at least she had the last word .

After she left every eye was on suryeon . Annoyance and anger directed towards her .

" I'm sorry everyone , I think it's time to call off this meeting we'll schedule another time . Thank you for your patience and understanding . " seojin announced .

" Suryeon , may I have a word " she asked after the others left .

" Sure " the latter answered walking towards the director .

" What was that about ? "

" Nothing , her idea was stupid . " Suryeon shrugged .

" Her idea was not stupid and both you and I know that . So , why are YOU being stupid ? "

" Excuse me " she looked questionably at the woman , has she lost her mind ?

" You're being worked up over something from the past . It had been what ... twenty years and you're still holding a grudge . I don't blame you for that but you don't even know her side of the story ; you're not willing to listen " she continued .

" There is no 'her side of the story' , there is what happened and what I suffered . "

That was barely a stinging pain (suffering my ass) seojin thought .

" Even that , don't let it blur your vision . Learn how to separate personal and professional , it doesn't look good on you " she then left leaving the other woman with her jaw on the floor .

" Pfff " she said before heading to her car .


WC : 1167

A/N : sorry for the delay , how do you like this story so far ? What do you want to see in the future ?

Spoiler alert : shit is about to go down !!

Have a nice week <3

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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